Twenty seven

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"We need more blankets," Bailey said, tucking the blankets already over Erin in even more.

"Here," Addison said, grabbing more off the pile.

"What's her body temp?" Burke asked, he and Webber working on Meredith across the room.

"She's still at eighty two," Bailey said.

"She's not warming quick enough. Meredith's at eighty eight," Richard said.

"Shit," Addison hissed. "I'll find more blankets," she said, hurrying out of the room.

"We don't wanna be here. We wanna go back," Meredith announced to Denny, Liz and Bonnie as she and Erin entered the ER. Quinn slid off of Liz's lap and bolted to Erin, clutching her legs. Erin scooped her up onto her hip, inhaling her baby smell.

"We were told there wasn't a lot of time," Bonnie said. 

"We're out of time?" Erin whispered. She didn't want this, she didn't want Meredith to die, too, and the tears seemed to be coming quicker than she could fight them back. Liz's face dropped.

"Well, we're not sure, baby," she said. Meredith's chest heaved with a sob.

"I can't... I want... We had issues. Intimacy issues," Meredith cried.

"Yeah," Denny said.

"Do you know how stupid that seems now?" Meredith said.

"Yeah, I do," Meredith said.

"It's not enough. It's not enough, just a whiff of Derek or Cristina. We need to go back," Meredith said.

"Please. We can't stay here," Erin begged.

Denny, Bonnie and Liz shared a look of pity.

"How's she doing now?" Burke asked as Bailey added the extra blankets Addison had found.

"She's warming. Eighty five," Bailey said.

"Do we know why she's covered in bruises?" Burke said.

"We'll ask her when she wakes up," Webber said, continuing CPR on Meredith.

"What if she doesn't?" Bailey said. "It's been an hour. We have to-"

"They are Ellis Grey's daughters!" Webber said angrily. "This is Meredith and Erin. They have to," Webber said. "Temp?" he added.

"Eighty six point five," Bailey said.

"She's warming," Webber said.

"And Meredith?" Bailey said.

"Eighty nine," Burke said.

"Good," Bailey said.

"Oh, I can't...I can't breathe," Meredith clutched her chest as she, Erin, Quinn Denny, Bonnie and Liz reached the end of the hallway. 

"This will pass," Bonnie said.

"It won't. It feels like-"

"Mom?" Erin interrupted her. Meredith looked up, realising why Erin looked shocked. Ellis Grey was walking down the hallway in her scrubs towards them.

"Mom?" Meredith repeated.

"Go!" Denny pushed them forward gently. "Go on," he said. Erin looked at Quinn and followed Meredith over to their mother.

"You shouldn't be here," Ellis eyed them both critically.

"Neither should you," they chorused.

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