Part 36 - Help

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* Hadrian's POV *
"what do you do if my son tells you to do something", I sighed he'd been asking the same question for what felt like hours, my vision has begun to go hazy and I can feel the blood pooling at my feet. The more he uses the spell the less I feel anything, he grabbed my chin "answer", I chuckled and spat in his face "Fuck off I'm not going to listen to him". He used his sleeve to wipe his face and pressed his wand against my head as he whispered "crucio" with a smirk. I glared at him while clenching my teeth, after hours it still hurt but was more bare able than the first time instead of white-hot knives it felt more like someone punching repeatedly, wether that was a good thing or not was debatable. He released the spell after a few minutes "ill ask again", I smiled up at him, I could taste blood now "drop... dead" I said while panting slightly. He repeated the spell again and again and again until I blacked out.

After an unknown amount of time I slowly blinked open my eyes, to the sound of the door opening. I closed my eyes and decided to ignore whatever Lucius came back to do, hoping that Tom would find me soon. That's when I heard a faint choked sound "Hadrian?", I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to see "Draco?". He ran over to the cell and unlocked it, then unlocked the cuffs around my wrists, I dropped to the cold stone floor and for the first time looked at all the blood around me. I chuckled slightly, as I felt light headed and tried to focus on breathing, Draco moved forward to me as I flinched trying to summon some, any magic. I managed a small ball of raw magic in my hand for all of 2 seconds before I dropped back to the cold stone. "Stay...away.....from me", I managed to say between breaths, I really needed to pass out but couldn't until I got out of this place.

Draco dropped to the floor next to me with tears forming in his eyes "are you okay? I swear I didn't know. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I'm sorry for everything I was a jerk and I shouldn't have done anything, you chose Riddle and I should have backed off-" I cut off his ramblings with a hug, well more like a flop since non of my muscles were cooperating much to my annoyance. He seemed to get the idea and hugged me back gently "I forgive you now please get me out of here" he nodded and helped me stand up but as soon as we tried walking I fell with a sharp gasp. "are you okay what hurts?", I took 3 sharpened breathes as my side felt like it split open.

"I'm not going to be able to walk, you think you could carry me?", he smiled and looked into my eyes "if I'm allowed?", I nodded and he placed one hand under my knees and one around my back to support me. His eyes glowed silver and his wings emerged from his back wrapping my in warmth. He carried me to his room where he had an emergency floo for personal use, mostly used for when friends came over. He opened the the door, only for me to be grabbed and him to be out in a choke hold gasping for air.

- Meanwhile -
* Tom's POV *
I had all the information I needed from Dumbledores head and walked out of the room with the others following me, all I saw when I looked around for answers was that Malfoy Manor had something to do with it, so first stop was the ferret, he would have access to the floo at the manor. I ran through the halls to the common room with the others on my heels, I opened the portrait entrance and scanned the room for the blonde and his usual group. I spotted Blaise Zambini in a group of Slytherin's at the back I punched past everyone and grabbed his collar. I held him against the wall with my eyes glowing "Where's Malfoy", Blaise's eyes widened before going back under a plank mask "why do you need him?", because Hadrian's missing and he has something to do with it. He looked to a group of girls stood next to him and one, I believe her name was Pansy nodded, Blaise turned back to face me "His father bailed him out of class no idea why, he used Snape's office to floo back to the manor. I dropped him and walked to Snape's office "If the manor was the last place the floo was used for we can use it to get there, it works I've done it before", Luna spoke, I nodded and pushed the doors of the office open.

No one was in there so I turned to everyone "follow me in this order, Sirius follow me in case I need backup, then Luna and Bella, then the twins and Barty and finally Remus to make sure everyone makes it through safe. Got it?" They all nodded and Sirius smiled "I'm glad he picked a good one", I nodded with a quick smile before jumping through the floo. I emerged in a room that was decorated green and black, with a quick look a round I guessed it was Draco's since there were pictures with him and his friends. One annoyed me of the first day, Hadrian and him were sat smiling on the train together, I was about to rip it when Sirius came through "Oooo if you're going to do it we would set it on fire", he smiled very sinisterly before Remus cut him off "No Padfoot!", he rolled his eyes.

Everyone looked around and froze when we heard footsteps in the hall. I walked to behind the door with Remus and Sirius who had their claws out ready, the door opened to reveal Draco carrying Hades who was covered in blood,cuts and bruises with his wings around him as he barely breathed. Remus grabbed Hades and I saw red, I grabbed Malfoy's throat and held him against the wall "YOU!". "Wait!" Hades tried to move and fell to the floor, I dropped Draco and picked up hades in my arms he smiled and me and pulled my hand to his chest "please don't kill him, it wasn't his fault he got me out", I kissed his forehead avoiding a huge cut, "I promi-".

Before I could finish he passed out in my arms, I picked him up so his head rested on my chest. I looked towards Draco who had his wings spiked in front of him as a defence from Luna and Bella who were glaring suspiciously at him and Sirius who had Remus holding him back. I looked up at Draco and he looked at me then at Hades, he recoiled his wings slightly and looked back to me "you're coming with us back to Hogwarts. You have some explaining to do", I looked at the twins who nodded and walked over to stand either side of Malfoy "don't let him out of your sights". With that we all used the floo back to Hogwarts.

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