Part 37 - Angry Mate

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* Draco's POV *
We ran to the hospital wing as soon as we arrived the twins kept an eye on me from my sides, Madam Pomfrey rushed Hadrian to a bed followed by Sirius and Remus. This left me with the twins staring me down, Luna calmly smiling, Bella looking ready to commit a murder, Barty calmly leaning against wall and a very angry Riddle marching in my direction.

His eyes were still dark crimson as he stood in front of me, fists curled into his palms "Explain now". I pulled my wings closer to me incase I had to defend myself "it wasn't me, so calm down and I'll explain", he didn't move or backdown so I decided that was my sign to start talking. "It started this morning in potions, Snape got a letter delivered while we were brewing the assignment, he told me to go to him and handed me the letter. It was from my father, he was pulling me out of class and told me to floo home immediately", no one moved so I decided to continue feeling as though it was my only way of getting out alive without Hadrian here to stop Riddle.

"When I arrived I didn't see him in the living room so I left my bag and walked to his study where I found him. I had a bad feeling since he usually gets mad about me skipping class so he wouldn't just pull me out for no reason. I barely stepped into the study when he came out and told me to follow him, I did and we stared walking down the hall. He told me that he had a gift for me", I was interrupted by a low growl from Tom as the twins moved to hold his shoulders, Bella moved to stand in front of me "
continue" she said with a sharp glare.

"I continued to follow him until we reached the dungeons, right as he was moving to open the door he stopped and said he had something importantly do. He handed me a key and left. I opened the door cautiously and looked around, the dungeons down there are freezing and are pitch black without the light the door gives when open. At first I couldn't see who it was but I saw someone and could hear shallow breathing, I looked around for anything else there could have been in or around the cells but seeing nothing but some dried blood and old bones I moved closer to the cell I knew was occupied.", I took a shaky breathe just remembering the awful smell and the memories I had down there, I decided it wasn't important for them to know why I was scared and continued. "From the shallow breathing and the fresh blood smell I knew they would be in bad shape and need medical help but still unsure of who it was decided to move closer to the cell, I walked over passing the other mostly empty cells until I reached the end one".

"Even with the light from the door it was hard to see down there but with my eyes nearly adjusted and the small light from the door I knew who was in the cell about a meter away from me and my whole body felt like it sunk. I didn't know what else to do but open the cell door, once I did I asked his name and he replied with mine, now 100% sure it was him I asked what happened he told me it was my dad and that he would explain everything. At first he was reluctant to join me but my dad had clearly put him through at least a few hours of torture and he didn't have much of an option at this point. I unlocked his chains that held his arms to the walls and asked him if he thought he could stand, we tried to get up but he fell back down. His legs were bleeding along with the rest of his body, without another option I asked if it was okay for me to pick him up he agreed and I carried him to the nearest floo whilst trying to avoid my father. Luckily it seemed as though he really was busy and we made it to my room, and we'll you know the rest". I looked up to see the reactions of everyone in the room, Riddle was trying to hide his anger and worry but for the first time I'd seen was failing, the twins looked murderous and upset, not even trying to hide either emotion. Luna had a sad expression but somehow still had a warm smile, Barty looked like he could throw up and Bella was still glaring at me. If looks could kill I would be 6ft under.

* Tom's POV *
I stood and listened to the pathetic Malfoy heir and imagined all the ways I could take him limb from limb to repay what his father and in turn he had done to my mate. Whether he was aware of it yet or not was irrelevant, Lucius had no motives to want Hades but Draco had plenty and knowing his spoilt pureblood ass, people probably weren't off limits if his father thought it would make him happy. I curled my fists as he continued and tried not to lunge forward at him and quickly but painfully drain him off all blood, watching as his pulse slowly turned into silence.

When I get my hands on Lucius he will beg for death, Draco would be right this second if it wasn't for Hades asking me not to. That doesn't mean I won't kill him in the most painful ways imaginable, I just have to wait and hear out my mate first. Once the pathetic heir had finished speaking the group were beyond angered and I could tell, Luna's warm smile made me hopeful she knew something the rest of us didn't have the power to know. I looked at Bella and knew she'd be perfect for the job, ignoring the face quickly draining of colour I spoke to her "Bella don't let Malfoy out of your sight if he so much as moves a toe feel free to practice on him but don't kill him until I give the word", she turned and gave Malfoy a feral smile before nodding "Yes My Lord". I nodded and turned with the twins to check on Hades.

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