Chapter 9

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*we are not perfect, but we're perfect for eachother*

*Third person Pov*

Leah sprints towards the room where Loki is locked away. However, when she arrives, Loki is already out of his cage. Her eyes widened in shock, disbelief overcoming her.

* * *

*Leah's Pov*

"Thor!" I shouted, seeing him locked in the cage.
"Well, I'm sure you will get over this soon," Loki answered, a smirk slowly forming on his face.
"Why, why are you doing this?" I asked, taking a step forward."You need to stop, we can work together, get through whatever has happened," I finish off saying.

"It's to late. I have everything," Loki said. "If you want to work together, you would be a great asset to my team. With those powers of yours, we would be unstoppable!" Loki stated, getting cocky.
"Leah, don't listen to him!" Thor shouted through the cage, worried over me.
"And tell me why I would want to join a monster!" I raised my voice at Loki.
"Are you sure I'm the monster?" He asked, a smug look on his face.

I didn't know what to say. What Loki said shocked me, I always knew I was a monster; and he just proved my theory. I was about to use my powers against him, until his figure disappeared. 'What the hell' I thought to myself.

Just then, a  cloth was placed over my face, I blacked out, not knowing what was occurring while I was unconscious.

* * *

*Third person Pov*

Loki's figure disappeared, and ended up being behind Leah, who didn't have a clue where he was. He placed a cloth over her face for a few seconds, until she blacked out. Loki caught Leah as she fell, and picked her up bridal style.

"Let her go Loki, leave Leah alone!" Thor ordered.
"And why would I?" Loki asked.
Thor, in a fit of anger, slams Mjölnir into the glass cell. To his surprise, the cell door only cracks, but violently shakes the ship. Loki stands there, a soldier of his walking by Loki's side. They both watch Thor in caution.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki smiles, setting Leah on the ground gently and walks over to the control panel.

Suddenly, Loki's guarding Soldier falls down like a tree. Agent coulson standing over him, holding a phase 2 weapon prototype.
"Move away, please, and step away from Agent Harper," Coulson ordered. As told, Loki moves away from the switch.
"You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent The Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you want to find out?" Coulson said confidently.

It all happened so quickly, Agent Coulson is impaled through the heart: the real Loki standing behind him.
"Noooo!" Thor mourned. Loki sends Agent Coulson against the wall. He slumps down, breathing fast. Loki makes his way to the control switch, giving his brother one last look. Thor looking at him, hopeful. Loki opens the hatch, pressing the button letting Thor drop out of the ship.

Loki has no remorse as he looks down, closing the hatch and proceeds to leave.
"You're gonna lose," Coulson said, barely a whisper escaping his mouth.
"Am I?" Loki asked turning around.
"It's in your nature," coulson answered.
"Your hero's are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky....where is my disadvantage?"
"You lack conviction"
"I don't think...." before Loki could finish, Agent Coulson shoots Loki with his prototype, causing Loki to be blown through the wall behind him.
"So that's what it does,"

* * *

*Leah's Pov*

I was barely awake, when I heard people running into the room I was in. My eyes slowly opened, seeing Fury on his knees shaking me awake.

"I'm awake, I'm awake. W- what happened?" I ask, fury supporting me while I stand up. My throat was all dry, and I had an awful headache. Probobly the effects of whatever Loki made me breath in.

"A lot," Fury stated.

* * *

*Third person Pov*

"A lot."
Leah could tell he was slightly worried. Fury had never seen her in this state before, him then realising how powerful Loki really was, knocking down one of his best agents: Leah.

Paramedics surrounding Leah, making her panic.
"Hey! Hey! Leave me alone, I'm fine!" Leah said waving her hands at them, signalling them to leave her alone.
"You need to be looked at, you breathed in something that knocked you out for a while," Fury said. Leah persuaded him into allowing the paramedics to leave her alone.

"We need to gather whoever is still here in the briefing room, now," Leah stated, Fury nodding in agreement.

Word Count: 774
Kiwi ~🥝

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