Chapter 69

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69 lolz

Chasity's POV-



I went inside and I turned it on. I accidentally pressed the gas instead of the brake and I went crashing into the door.

Oh no, he's gonna sell me.

"Chasity." Ninja said.

"Hey, that was just a test run. Chill." I replied and opened the garage door.

"See ya, you filthy whores." I yelled and drove away.

Where should I go?

Stefan left like 10 minutes ago because he needed to watch his sister.

I don't want to be clingy.

I'll just go get tacos at Venice.

I drove to Venice not forgetting to hit a couple of poles and almost run over a lady.

When I finally got there I got a call from Leo.

"Why does your location say that you're in Venice? NEAR THE BEACH!" He yelled.

"I want tacos." I replied and got out of the car.

People were staring at me.

"AT VENICE?!" I heard Rocco yell.

Oh, guess he found out too.

"Don't worry I didn't crash the car but it definitely got a little rough." I explained.

"You only had the car for an hour!" He yelled.

"Sorry?" I mumbled.

"Whatever. Come home now!" He said.

"Yea when I get my tacos, I'll think about it, ninja." I replied.

Now I'm not disrespectful but he's my brother and he needs to chill. Plus he knows where I am cuz he has my location.

"CHAS-." Tacos.

I ran to get my bag because I ordered them online already.

I ran back to my car and ate it in a Starbucks parking lot.


I ate it all up and started driving home.

I had to swerve like a hundred times because I forgot how to drive.

"SORRY!"  I yelled.

I heard sirens and got pulled over.

Some officer manz came up to me.

RIP me.

"Not you." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

I looked up and saw a bitch.

"ANDREW?! You're the loser cop who was following me." I asked.

I don't like Andrew or his friends at all cuz he always ends up being the person putting me behind bars.

So fuck that bitch.

"Chasity? Why am I not surprised? Be careful and leave." He said.

"Thanks. I STILL HATE YOU THO BESTIE!" I yelled and sped off.

I was bored and I wanted to see Stefan.


I remembered the street so I drove there.

I almost killed a couple but we all make mistakes.

I finally arrived at his house and perfectly parked.

I knocked on his door and a guess who opened it.



(The girl who got kidnapped with Chasity as first)

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