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We were all putting the finishing touches on our outfits, when Bernice said she was about to call Kane to come get us.

Kane is our personal bodyguard he's 6'9" and 300 plus pounds, he's definitely not to be fucked with.

30 minutes later everyone was dressed and ready to go

Qway took my pictures so I could post them before my outfit change

Qway took my pictures so I could post them before my outfit change

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@miracle.baby how she only 21 and she a savage😈

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We got in the Tahoe and made our way to the club

Kane drives like a bat outta hell so we made it in about 20 minutes

As we pulled up you could see the line of people all the way around the building

"Oh shit, it's packed asf" ray yelled, instantly getting excited

"You know lil mir know how to bring them out" I bragged making all of us laugh, even though it was true

We were escorted in the club to the biggest V.I.P section, looking around the club there were posters of me everywhere

P section, looking around the club there were posters of me everywhere

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