0.2 Chapter 1 - Save me.

631 33 180

TW// blood, death, gore, suicide
Eret's POV
Eret inhaled, their eyes popping open. They were in front of the house, with George and Tommy. Their head was pounding.

George and Tommy glanced back at them, confused.

"Forgot how to breathe?" Tommy chuckled. Eret took a moment to process everything.

"No, no, just.. nevermind," Eret excused.
They smiled, relieved as George pulled out the key. It had worked! They had saved their friends!

"Moment of truth," George said, sticking the key into the lock. He twisted it the correct direction and they all heard a small click.

However, when he tried to open the door, it didn't budge. Eret's smile slowly turned into a frown, although they had a good guess on what had just happened.

"What the fuck?!" Tommy shouted. He banged his fist on the door. "OPEN SESAME, BITCH!"

George gave the man-child a hard stare. "Tommy it's a door," he said flatly. "It's not gonna open if you ask it, like you won't get 6 million by asking."

Before Tommy could attack George, Eret stepped between them. "Okay, before you two start a boxing match, we need to come back here at night."

"Nighttime? Wh- oh," Tommy widened his eyes, seeming to understand what he was getting at.

"We wait until night," George concluded.


Tubbo's POV
Tubbo gasped, sitting up from the ground. It was 12:00am. Time for the night. As he stood up, he caught himself praying to be freed from this hell of a timeloop.

He held up his flashlight pointing it around the room. The closet was still closed, Tubbo didn't know if it had any use currently. It was always just... there.

Left or right.. right or left.. Tubbo thought, glancing between the two doors. He held his breath, trying to listen for any movement or footsteps.

What he did hear was what sounded like a screaming gecko being choked underwater. He turned around, shining the light on the bed.

He caught a glimpse of an absolutely terrifying looking version of Freddy. It was slightly bigger than a plushie, however it looked all torn up and had gleaming, pointed teeth. The only other thing he noticed was its eyes before it threw itself over the side of the bed in a brown and black blur, disappearing.

OKAY HAVEN'T SEEN THOSE THINGS IN A WHILE, Tubbo turned back around, gripping onto the flashlight in fear.

He hurried over to the left door, peeking out into the hall. He didn't hear scuffed breathing, so he flicked the light on.

Something at the opposite end of the hall ducked out of view. Tubbo felt a shiver crawl down his spine as he closed the door for a moment before edging back into the safety of the room.

Well, somewhat safety, considering Freddy. And those weird screaming little Freddies.

This entire place was unnaturally weird. And scientifically impossible.

He heard footsteps in the opposite hall and ran to the right door. He closed it immediately, not bothering to listen for breathing.


Tubbo stayed completely still. He could distantly hear the little Freddies screaming, which instantly set off alarm bells in his head. It was only.. what, 1am, and it was already chaos.

He heard footsteps again. He tried to listen closely, forcing himself to stay calm. It sounded as if they were walking away. Tubbo waited until they faded away to open the door again.

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