Chapter 6- Fluffy cows

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C H A P T E R  6
F L U F F Y  C O W S

"It won't matter how loud you love if the other person isn't listening" ~angel a.g

Song- are you mine; Artic monkeys


I must've dozed off because the next thing I remember is the bell ringing. Luckily I was tucked in the little corner so I didn't get stampeded by loads of students heading to class.

I keep my eyes closed but sense people crowded around me. I peek one eye open and see all of my friends gathered around me. Cam bends down and hands me an open granola bar.

"Eat." He commands stuffing it in my hands.


"I don't wanna hear it. Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat"

"Geez, so violent"

"How are you feeling?" Brianna asks while Miles reaches an arm down to pull me up. I brush myself off and grab my backpack from Addie who carried it out from the classroom.


"You shouldn't of let it get that low" Miles scolds shaking his head.

"Cry me a river" I retort and start walking. He rolls his eyes and follows the rest of the group.

"Shouldn't you go to the office, or home?" Addie asks.

"No, I'm going to stay here. I don't want to worry mom." I tell them.

"Too late" I freeze and turn to Cam. "Ma already texted your mom. I'm driving you home, our moms orders"


"Fine" I grumble saying goodbye to everyone and making sure Theo stays at school even though he insist he needs to come home with me to make sure I don't die.

Sara already called the office to check me out. Usually when I'm low I stay at school but since I almost fainted they think it's better to rest. I walk to Cams truck and get in the passenger side.

Cam follows me out running a hand through his dark hair and getting in the drivers seat.

"You should let me drive" I suggest. He looks at me with a plain expression.

"With what license?"

"Oh, right here" I reach into my bag as if I'm looking for something and pull out my hand with my middle finger sticking up and flipping him off.

"I'd rather you not faint while driving and kill us both" He laughs. "I'm too pretty to die" he turns the car on and places a hand behind my headrest looking behind us and reversing.

"You wish, I would be doing the world a favor" I reply as he starts driving down the road. "Besides I'm fine now. I don't even need to go home."

"My mom and your mom both said so and they scare me so I'm doing what they say"

I gaze out the window until I see my house come into the view. He stops and pulls the keys out of the ignition. We walk to my front door and he takes his keys and unlocks it.

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