Fuck off

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*Time skip 1 week*7days

"LOTOR" lance whined,as tears fell from his eyes."where are you" he said falling into a whisper.

Lance was walking sadly through the halls of the ship,looking for his mate,well really anyone,he hasn't been able to find anyone for the past hour.it was making him really upset.he felt like everyone abandoned him.
Lance found his way to the kitchen and sat at in front of the island (pic

Lance found his way to the kitchen and sat at in front of the island (pic

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Just a reference,everything else is the same in the ship's kitchen. )

Lance sat on a bar stool and put his finger's on the edge of the table,and setting his head down on his fingers,silent tears rained down his face,as he wondered where his pack and his mate went.

*Lance pov*
Where are they..did they abandon me...
..am I a bad omaga..
....do they hate me........w..wh.....where are they..
..I'm a bad mate..
I know I'm am a bad pack omaga...
.b.bu.but I didnt expect them to leave me so soon....as lance was thinking all those horrible thoughts he was letting out a distressed stench,it smelt like burnt rubber and rustic smoke.
Another tear drops from his eye as he says loter whisperingly while closing his eyes falling into a deep sleep.

*Narrator pov*

(The ship has 10 levels instead in this fanfic,because I am wanting to add more things into the ship,right now they are on level 5)

(Lance is on level 1 and he didnt think about checking the upper levels that is why he couldnt find anyone)


Lo= lotor. S=Shiro A=Allora P=Pidge
H=Hunk K=Keith

Lo- what the hell do you want,and why the hell did you have to drag me up here.

S- because we need to have a serious conversation about your relationship with lance

Lo-what about it.

K-we need you to stop having sex with him around the ship.(says while blushing)


3 days ago

Lance was sitting in the lounge,head bobbing as he was falling asleep.lotor steps into the room and sees his little kitten asleep on the couch."damn he is just so sexy"lotor says as he slides his hands from Lance's face all the way down to his ass,and softly squeezed resulting in a cute little moan from lance.
"Baby wake up"lotor said while softly shaking him.hhmm,what do you want lotor.
Lotor strokes Lance's back,and slowly slides his hand up his shirt."I want you lance"

Lance instantly lights up"really"."ya but why are you so excited""well because...um..you wouldnt let me do anything yesterday,lance said while looking at his hands like they are the most interesting thing in the world."well I could give you what you want now."lotor said. "Please, will you
Lance said beggingly to lotor while sliding himself towards lotor."

*one minute later*(spongebob narrator voice)

Lotor was sitting on the couch,legs open with Lance's head in between.

Lance did little kitty licks on lotors tip and received satisfying grunts from him."your doing great little kit"lotor said while licking his lips,making the sexiest face lance has ever seen.

As lance was sucking lotor he got a boner,his ass in the air as he tryed so hard not to play with himself.

Lance pushed his mouth fully over lotors dick going down and took lotor in all the way,you could hear small gaging noises when he bobed his head all the way down to the base"baby that's enough,he says while gently pulling Lance's face off his member,and pulling him on his lap""um..lotor today could we..you.know...do it soft,because when you went hard last time my back hurt after?" "Sure baby,lotor says while taking his and Lance's shirts off,and then unbuckling Lance's pants and giving his a lust filled look as he pulled them down." (Keep in mind that lotor already had his pants and boxers off because lance was giving him a blowjob)
The only clothing that was on at the moment was Lance's boxers.
"Baby will you get on your knees for me"

Lance got off lotor's lap and put his knees on the couch,hands on the back."l..like t..t.this?"lance said blushing like a mad man, with his ass in the air."yes like that"lotor said while sliding lance's boxers down and tossing them on the floor behind them.

Lotor moved his hand up to Lance's face and told him to suck, and once they were covered in saliva lotor pulled them back.

"Okay baby are you ready?"

"Yes,please stick it in."

Lotor put one hand on Lance's waist to hold him still as he moved his other hand towards Lance's hole.

Lotor swirled his pointer finger around the rim,and slowly and softly sliding his saliva covered finger in.

"Ahhaa"lance had let out a soft moan,and tryed to push his body backwards to get more in,but loter's hand on his waist kept him firmly in place.

Lance whimpered when he tryed to push back again because lotor took his finger out.

"We are a little pushy today aren't we my little kitten"loter says with a small smirk on his face.

After saying that loter pushes three of his fingers in lance.

"Ahhhah,...m....mo.r....more please"lance just wanted more,after the first time with lotor,fingers weren't enough anymore.He wanted that long and thick dick that is hard,behind him,that's ready to be juiced dry.

Daddy please,lance whined.lotor chuckled and spit on his hand,rubbing it on his hard length.

This may sting a little bit kitten,loter hummed as he slowly pushed his member into Lance's pulsing hole.

Lance cried out as loter,inch by inch slid into him further.once lance got used to lotors length he slowly started to thrust into him.lances hole was pulling him in,pulsating around his dick,making lotor speed up his pace.

i...I'm..gonna............Lance whimpered as lotor grunted

Just as lance and lotor were about to cum,guess who all walked into the room.you guessed it,all of fucking voltron.

"WHT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" three dominate males growled.watching as the pack omaga whimpered and whined as he was slammed into by the man they hated most at the moment.

End of flashback***************************************************************bet yall forgot it was a flashback*****

"Okay look it wasn't my fault that time,he was begging for it,and what kind of alpha would I be if I denied my little mate the pleasure he so desperately wanted". lotor shivered in pleasure just thinking about pounding into his beloved again.

The voltrom crew all just looked at him,hands squeeze into fists, ticks of irritation on their faces,as they all looked threateningly at lotor,ready to pounce and attack until their hearts content,especially the top pack alpha,shiro looked like he wanted to rip off lotors dick and blend it and force him to drink it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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