Chapter 61- i hope you're right..

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James's POV: 

As we walk into studio A, we see Kate with some lady whos uh? meditating. 

"what are you doing? lets get warmed up." miss kate calls out.

"why is someone in the middle of our dance studio?" west asks. "little wierd." west adds in.

"no wierder then you west." giselle kindly points out. 

Riley shot me a smile from across the room as she stood beside Chloe and Michelle.

"this is pheobe, my sister, she will be our new head cheographer since Chris left for super star." miss kate tells us.

I was a little bummed, Chris helped me out with my moves and my math's so much over the years especially last year. I was sad to see him leave. I completely zoned out of the conversation as Riley approached me..

Riley's POV:

I am standing with the girls just chatting and stretching when i look over at James who looks off with the fairy's and seem's really distracted, i approach him. 

"everything alright jay?" i ask him.

"everything's fine riles." he says quickly.

"you nervous for the challenge?" i ask him, knowing thats a silly question.

"nope, im pumped. you nervous though?" he asks me sweetly.

"yeah and why is it today off all days!" i say in a panicked tone.

"dont even worry about it you"ll be fine beautiful." he tells me reassuringly.

We all go down to Culture Shock and just hang there for a bit as Amanda comes in and soon enough some new guy named Hunter comes in waiting for the challenge. 


James's POV: 

It's finally the afternoon and the challenge takes place. today. Im just with riley alone when Beth shows up, i instantly noticed Riley getting uncomfortable as she stands by Emily who is fiddling with her clipboard and Emily gives her that "look". 

"you excited for today jamey james?" beth asks in that high pitch tone of hers.

"yeah should be fun." i say trying to get her to move away a litte.

"we can dance on a troupe together jamey james.' beth tells me.

"maybe." i say secretly hoping she doesn't make it.

I admit i can stand Beth alot more then i use to be able to, but she's still really annoying and clingy. Riley isn't like that at all.

"riles we should go warm up." i say indicating riley to come with me.

"GOOD LUCK JAMES" beth calls out. 

"you too." i say in a nice tone. 

Riley's POV:

Beth is all over James like she owns him or something. it makes me so mad. I just shake it off though as James isnt encouraging any of it. He's just too nice to tell her to get lost. I sit at the bench near the cubbies when James's phone buzz's. 

"whos that?" i ask him.

"it's Lara, she said that she wishes us an amazing and fun national team auditions and a massive goodluck and that her and Mikey can't wait to see us at there wedding soon. " james tells me.

Lara is James's cousin, and Mikey is her fiancé and they invited me and James to there wedding along with his family. I was super excited.

We all audition and make it through to the next round which is tomorrow and its choero, i was so scared and so nervous and not to mention BETH is going to be there aswell. 

"Congratulations beautiful." james tells me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"you too cutie, except still one hurdle to pass and that's tomorrow." i say shyly.

"you'll be fine..." james says giving me another peck on the lips. 

I hope james right...

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