Your Help is Needed

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I peek in the hole looking at the child with wires in hand. "Din, I don't know if this will work." Din shakes his head. "Give him a chance. He can do it." He sighs before speaking to the child. "All right, let's try this again. Okay, did you... Do you have the wire?" The small coos erupt from the tight walls of the inside of the ship. "No. Not that one. Did you get the red wire out? The red one." I place my hand over my mouth fighting a laugh. "No. Wait... Yes! Don't put that one down. Okay. No, no, no. No, the red one. Show me the red wire. The red one." The baby coos before holding up the red wire.

"Yes, good. Now, you're going to plug that red wire where the blue wire goes in the board." The child looks at the wires, turning his head. "Put the red wire where the blue wire goes in the board, okay? But don't let them touch." Din explained slowly. "You see where you took the blue one off? Yes, now put the red one... No, don't put the blue one back. Put the red one where the blue one was. And put the blue one where the red one was. But be careful. They're oppositely charged, so keep them away from each other. Make sure you hold them apart from... No, hold them apart." Suddenly a cloud of smoke flies out from the shaft. "Oh!" I peep out in surprise. Din looks into the hole at the kid. "Are you okay?" A tiny cough emerges from the wall.

I lift Din's helmet and press a singular kiss on his cheek. "It was worth a shot, love."

"There's no way we're making it to Corvus in this shape." He sighs before looking in my direction. "I think we need to visit some friends for repairs." I narrow my eyes at him with a growing smile. "Nevarro?" He nods moving to his seat.


The violent shaking caused me to hold on to the sides of my seat. "Can't you land this thing any-" "NO!" Din yells trying his best. "WELL, I CAN!" I scram, stand up, and move onto his lap taking control. "ARIA!" He fights me for the handles, but I win them over, landing us softly... well as softly as I can in the condition we are in.

I turn around with a smile plastered on my lips. "See? Easy." He chuckles shaking his head. "You're lucky I love you, mesh'la." I pull his helmet up, kissing his lips. "I love you more, Din." I whisper slowly before kissing down his neck. "A-Aria." I pop up grinning. "You're right, you're right. We have things to do."

The gate lowers allowing us to see two individuals with growing smiles. I walk over to Cara patting her arm. "Hey Shocker." She rolls her eyes. "Hey there, princess." She brings me forward into a crushing hug.

"Aria, good to see you." Greef Karga nods in my direction. "As always, Karga." He places his hand two inches down, but I see him. I drew my blaster before he could. "It's foolish to trifle in these games, Greef. Don't you think?" I raise my eyebrow while smirking.

He huffs putting down his blaster. "She's still got it." "And she won't lose it." Din interjects with pride.

He takes a look at the Crest behind us. His demeanor frowning. "Looks like someone could use some repairs." I scoffed laughing. "Or a brand new ship. Whatever you feel is best." Din stares at me still. "Yeah, okay. Repairs it is."

"How's my credit around here?" Din asks as we step through the town. The child at my hip."I think something could be arranged. Isn't that right, Marshal?" Cara nods causing me to gasp. "No way. Babe, we can do so much illegal stiff now! Legally!" "Yeah, not for you, Solo, but I'm sure we can work something' out."

Greef nods with a smile. "I'll get my best people on it. Hey, fellas! Let's fix this man's ship! I want it as good as new." He points down at my hip with a large smile. "And you, come here, little one!" The child reaches up to him and giggles as he is enveloped in Karga's arms. "Has Aria and Mando been taking good care of you, huh? Have you been takin' good care o' him? And her? My goodness, you've been busy, you thing!"

The town looks lively again, people running around and citizens in the marketplace carefree. "Looks like you two have been busy." "In a very good way. This place has really turned around."

Karga nods admiring the town himself. "I myself have been steeped in clerical work. Marshal Dune here is to be thanked for cleaning up the town."

"Your ship's not lookin' too good." "We had a run-in with the New Republic."

"They should leave the Outer Rim alone. If the Empire couldn't settle it, what makes them think they can? Here we are." We entered the building where we almost said the last goodbyes. I grab Din's hand as we walts through. "I'm surprised to see this place is still standing."

"Who can name one of the five major trade routes in the galaxy? Anyone? How about the Corellian Run?" A teacher stands at the front of a class.

"The Hydian Way?" "Yes, the Hydian Way. That is correct." I smile watching the children. "A school?" "Things have changed a lot around here."

"We'll leave the little one here so we can talk business." Karga says setting the little one at a desk. Din grabs his arm. "Wait. Wherever I go, he goes." I press against his chest. "Mando, It's alright. I'm sure he's safe here." " Plus, where we're going, you don't wanna take a child. Trust me." I kiss the child's head and follow the team out. Din looks back at him with worry. I turn his head towards me. "Din, my love, he will be fine."

"There's no registration on the ship, but I'm pretty sure it belongs..." A blue fella comes over looking at papers regarding the ship. Once his eyes meet Mando the creature stills, solid as a rock. "I believe you two have met." I tilt my head in question. "I'm surprised to see you here." Din says. "Right back at ya." His eyes draw over to me. "And you are?" I place my hand out. "Aria." Din lowers my hand with his own. "My wife." He states to the man.

Greef Karga steps in feeling the tension. "Mythrol here's taken care of my books since he was a pollywog. But then he disappeared one day after a bit of creative accounting."

"Magistrate Karga was generous enough to let me work off my debt. Thank you, by the way." "Three hundred and fifty years, but who's counting?" "Well, if he runs off on you again, let me know." "Oh, so you were a target too?" Mythrol narrows his eyes. "You married your prisoner? I wish I got a sweet deal like that." Din turns to him, staring at him with daggers, even seen through the thick Beskar. "Let me assure you, I don't wanna spend any more time in carbonite. Still can't see outta my left eye."

Cara hooks arms with me. "Can we talk business?" "Sure, we-" "Are only here for repairs." I look at him confused. "Which'll take a while. Which means we have free time on our hands, right? And they could really use our help. Specifically yours, darling." His shoulders lower and he walks closer.  "Help how?"

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