Gremlin CRINGE

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Ok so I wrote this when I was 11 ( along with Jason Voorhees x reader) so this is going to be CRINGE and bad!! 


Pennywise came into the bar along with Chucky. " Hey guys, what can I get ya?" You said to them. You had been working at the bar for ages and pennywise and Chucky were frequent customers. "Hey Y/N, can we get 2 bears?" Chucky said politely. ( CHUCKY BEING POLITE WHAT WAS I THINKING?????????????? AND PENNYWISE DRINKING BEAR?????????????) "of course!" you gave the 2 their bears and then you started to wipe down the counters making small talk with them. 

Suddenly your watch started to beep."Oh shit..." you muttered. The two were confused but you knew exactly what was going on. it was the Gremlin rush hour. They came in from the windows, doors, the seeling even the floor. It was absolute madness! 


Total words 152!

Where the bloody hell do I even start.By just saying sorry XD Again I wrote this when I was 11 so my standers for this were very low.  anyway, I'm gonna go and just leave this here... I love you all and I'm very sorry for bringing this upon the world... byeeeeeeeee xx

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