What Do You Want

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-Haneul POV-

It was Wednesday and I was starving, more than ready for lunch period. I stood patiently in the lunch line, nearly drooling as I watched the lunch ladies serve the meal. As much as the sudden change of principle was a little difficult to get used to, I deeply appreciated the change in school lunch. Before, it was cheap, fast food type of meals. Now, we had variety and everything actually looked edible.

Someone pushed through the students behind me and wrapped their arms around my shoulders. Their scent was enough for me to notice who was clinging onto my weak body.

"No cutting lines, Jimin."

"You always cut."

"Uh. Lies! When?"

"Okay, maybe you don't but please! The line is so long and I really want to stand next to my favorite person ever."

He leaned his chin on my shoulder and I turned to look at him. His bottom lip stuck out as he tried to buy me with his cuteness. Watching his lips reminded me of what happened between us two last week.


He was so eager as his tongue explored my mouth. The sounds filling up the bathroom were the type to come straight from a romance movie. He stopped the fast paced kiss and leaned into my ear to whisper something.

"Let me treat you like the princess that you are."

I didn't know how to respond. It was obvious at this point that he was intoxicated. A bitter taste was still strongly present in his mouth. This wasn't actually what he wanted. But did I want it?

I gulped, just barely nodding at the impatient boy. His hand traced down my abdomen and to my core.

End of flashback

It's obvious Jimin has no memory of that happening but it still lives in the back of my head and it will probably stay there for a very, very long time.

"Okay, fine. But just this time."

Soon enough, nearly all my other friends had also cut in behind me. We were seated at the same table we've been eating at throughout this year, busy talking about classes and joking around as usual.

"And now I kind of want to cry because I just know I failed that stupid test."

"Relax. You always say that and you always get at least a ninety."

We all quieted down and diverted our attention to the elephant in the room. A new student. I noticed Taehyung turn back towards his food and continue eating. The unfamiliar girl scanned the room and her face lit up when her eyes landed on our table.

Oh no. Why us?

Like Taehyung, I turned back around and started drinking from my water bottle. Anything to avoid interacting with this new girl. Not that there was anything wrong with her. She was pretty, she looked smart, mature, neat, and everything I could only ever want to be. But she had a look on her face that I did not like nor envy.

"Hey, Taetae!"

What kind of nickname is that?

"Don't call me that..."

"It's Chohyeon, remember?"

"No. What do you want?"

"I want to sit with you and your friends. Since you're my only friend in this school."

"I'm not your friend and you can't sit with us 'cause we don't know you."

"Let's fix that! I'm Ahn Chohyeon. I'm in third year just like you guys, obviously. Oh, and I'm from Gwangju. Now you know me."

The air felt stiff and awkward, I wished she would just walk away the same way she came up to us.

"It seems you're making Tae a little uncomfortable. Maybe some other time. Sorry, Chohyeon."

She looked at me with dark eyes, her smile gone.

"I wasn't asking you."

Her voice was no longer a high pitched, annoyingly flirty tone but rather a grim one. She gave me what was obviously a fake smile and with that she left. Everyone at our table watched her walk out of the lunchroom with a baffled expression on our faces.

"Who the hell was that, Taetae?" Soomin mocked Chohyeon's pet name for Taehyung.

"I don't know. She talked to me first period. I tried to push her away but she really does not know when to stop."

"Sheesh, this school is getting worse and worse."

"I think she just has a cute, little crush on Tae."

They all stared at me, repulsed by my comment, especially Taehyung.

"Haneul, she literally snapped at you. Don't try to justify her actions."

"It's fine. You'll see that she'll be over it by tomorrow. She was just here for Tae-"

"It's not fine. I don't like her."

Taehyung looked me directly in the eyes, proving to me that he was being completely honest. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, causing an unpleasant silence at our table.

During the few minutes left of our lunch period, I remained quiet. Most of us did. We had nothing to say and our mood was ruined. It was so still, when the bell rang, I'm sure I wasn't the only to flinch. I rushed to my next class and tried not to think more of Chohyeon or what she had caused among us.

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