It hurts to say goodbye

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⚠️Disclaimer:⚠️ This story has been written by me and has not been copied plagiarized or stolen from any other story or author. Any similarities are purely coincidental and all ideas seen are original originating from my mind.

After I left with Marcus to be introduced to the pack, Father went back to stand with Mother, Alec, Natalie, Garrett, Lydia and the rest of our pack members. Marcus led me up to the stage area, decorated with flowers and all sorts of beautiful ornaments.

He tapped the mic and cleared his throat.
Everyone in the audience ceased their activities and looked expectantly at their Alpha, some sent me curious stares but didn't dare to say anything. Everyone knew that Shining Cosmos was real strict on discipline, misconduct of any sort would result in severe repercussions.

"Welcome, you all know, the Shining Cosmos Gala has always been a time for us to congregate and celebrate, the alliance forged between Shining Cosmos and Emerald Guardians," Marcus said in his Alpha voice. "Tonight I have a very special, very pleasant surprise for you. But before I get into that, I'd like to invite Alpha Lucius and Luna Adeline to the stage."

Marcus paused a moment and my parents came unto the stage to a round of applause. When they shook hands with Marcus, he turned back to the now quiet audience.
"And now for my announcement. I have been the Alpha of Shining Cosmos Pack since I was 17 years old. I forged an alliance with Emerald Guardians at 21 and have hosted two Galas, this one being the third."

Marcus paused and looked affectionately at me.
"I have never found my mate, until now. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Artemis Terry; my mate and the soon-to-be Luna of Shining Cosmos Pack!"
At this statement the crowd erupted in loud cheers. They clapped and shouted words of congratulations to Marcus and me, I was honoured.

"Would you like to say something love?" Marcus asked softly.
I hesitated a brief moment. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. While speaking I could stammer, or cough, or sneeze or even- Goddess forbid- burst into tears, having having experienced a bout of anxiety!

Marcus sensed my trepidation and squeezed my shoulders reassuringly.
"It's alright Artemis, just say a few words, no-one will tell you anything. I'm right here with you," he said in my ear.
I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Caroline offered her support and my mate literally had my back, what was the worst that could happen?

Stepping up to the mic, I inhaled deeply and let it out slowly.
"Uh.. h..hello, good..good evening Shining Cosmos. Th..thank you all for coming. It is truly an honour to be here, as your soon-to-be Luna and your Alpha's mate. I..I will try my very best to fulfill the requirements and expectations that comes with being your Luna."
I sounded pathetic.

Everyone burst into applause when I concluded my speech and Marcus took the stage. He kissed my forehead and rewrapped his arm around my waist. The rest passed in a blur. Marcus said a few more things, thanked my pack for attending and wished everyone a good night. Meaning the Gala was over- finally.

My parents shook hands with Father while I stood there, watching as Marcus's guests left the packhouse and went to their vehicles to return to their own territories. The Shining Cosmos pack members went to their private quarters and the two dozen or so omegas flocked in and started to tidy the place up.
My parents, Alec, Natalie, Garrett, Lydia, Bria, Lana, the Gamma and Delta family and our pack members who attended the Gala stayed and conversed amongst themselves.

"Well Marcus now it's time for us all to go back to Emerald Guardians, attending the Shining Cosmos Gala, as always was a pleasure. I wish you and Artemis all the best in beginning your new lives," my father said as he gave Marcus a manly hug.
"Thank you Lucius. I couldn't be happier to have your daughter as my mate. I will cherish and protect her always you have my word," Marcus said firmly.

"Yes I'm sure you will Alpha Marcus, please, take care of my precious little girl. It's a mother's greatest fortune when her daughter settles down with her mate. I am so going to miss you my child," my mother said as she dabbed at her eyes with a silky handkerchief.

I mentally rolled my eyes at her fake persona.
Who is she kidding?! She's just as fake as Natalie maybe that's why they get along so well," Caroline scoffed.
As if on cue, Natalie walked up to me and threw her arms around my neck, crying her eyes out.

"Oh Artemis, I will miss you so very much. You were so much more than a sister to me, you and I had such a special bond in Emerald Guardians. But rest assured even though we live in separate packs now, that bond will not be severed!"
"I think I'm going to be sick! Get her away from us!!" Caroline shrieked.

"Yes Natalie I am sure we had a very nice run, now it's time to move on I'll miss you very much goodbye," I said quickly as I pried her off of me.
And what a show she put on, she was all squeezing my neck and saying 'no I don't want to leave my sister'. Sister? As if!
"It's nearly midnight we should be taking off. It was such a pleasure to be here Alpha Marcus until next time," Alec said as he grabbed Natalie's arm and dragged her outside.

"You have to forgive my son he is a little tired and on the edge," mother said weakly as she turned around and walked quickly out the door followed by Gamma Kyle and his family and Delta Mario and his family. Garrett, Lydia, Bria, Lana, Father, Marcus and myself were the last ones there along with Beta Axel and his mate.

Father turned to face me and pulled me into a hug. He stroked my hair and I placed my head on his chest and we hugged for a few minutes.
"Have a happy life my child I will miss you so much. Be a faithful, helpful and loving mate to Marcus," Father said.
"Thank you Daddy I will. I will miss you all so much," I said with a slight break in my voice.

Next came Lydia, Bria and Lana. They hugged me and whispered words of comfort and love in my ear. Garrett was coming to hug me also, but when he was just a few inches away Marcus growled and he stepped back.
"I'll miss you kiddo. Be a good little mate and remember you always have a place in Emerald Guardians when you come to visit," he said wiping imaginary tears from his eyes.

"Okay Garrett. I'll miss you all too," I said with a laugh.
After some small talk everyone left Bria and Lana looked back at me tears in their eyes.

"Ci mancherai Artemis. Sarai sempre il nostro migliore amico, non dimenticare di chiamarci. Ci conosciamo solo da poco tempo, ma ci sentiamo più vicini a te di quanto ci siamo mai sentiti con nessuno. Stai al sicuro, sii felice e ricorda sempre chi sei,"

(We will miss you Artemis. You will always be our best friend, don't forget to call us. We've only known each other for a short time, but we feel closer to you than we have ever felt with anyone. Be safe be happy and always remember who you are)
Lana said.

"E mi mancherai Bria Lana. Vi voglio tanto bene entrambi, grazie di tutto. Ti chiamerò tutte le volte che posso,"
(And I will miss you Bria, Lana. I love you both so much, thank you for everything. I will call you as often as I am able)
I said with tears in my eyes as I hugged Marcus.

Then they left closing the door behind them. I watched the closed door for several seconds not saying a word. It was easy to make friends but it was hard to say goodbye.

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