Chapter 25 -Step by Step

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"Every journey begins with a single step.'

-Lao Tzu


Alana's POV:

It's been a few days since Trevor recovered and started going for work. Although I'm not too sure about the details, I knew his father was angry with him which had put Trevor in a bad mood this past week.

It made me feel quite bad because I definitely was the cause of it all. Despite Trevor not blaming it on me, I knew that somehow I was the reason I caused a rift between the father and son.

I don't know where the confidence in me is but I still think my actions were justifiable and that all I've done benefited Trevor more physically and mentally.

After the whole situation, I came to realise my feelings for Trevor. I found it hard to even breathe in the same house as him. When I was washing the dishes and Trevor would come into the kitchen, I would immediately freeze, trying to calm down my heart that was racing.

Occasionally when walking around the house, our hands would brush against each other and I would feel all tingly inside.

It is a feeling that I would never get used to.

It is a feeling that I would welcome anytime.

Does he feel the same way?

For some reason, Trevor was acting awkward around me. Any form of physical contact, Trevor wold clear his throat many times and he would never talk as well. He would avoid me sometimes which made me feel just out of place.

All that Trevor was doing now was just confusing me.

I could never ever predict what the guy is doing or what he is going to do.

I brushed all those thoughts aside for now as I finished up the last document which was part of the events organisation for an upcoming gala to send to the team in charge before heading home.


Trevor's POV





She was on my mind the whole day.

She was like an alarm that went off in my heart that could not be snoozed or turned off.

My feelings for her was just getting stronger and the sparks that fly every time we touch is something I find too unfamiliar.

No one has ever made me feel this way.

I was sitting at my desk in the office, staring out of the window, keeping my mind on Alana. Today, I was called back to work in the office instead of staying home. because my father specially requested that I return to work for him to watch me.

This issue between me and my father now was not something new. In fact, these situations often occur around important deadlines to meet.

Every time I would request for some sort of break, my father would hunt me down and make sure that I continue to work. He claims that it would be beneficial for me for when I become CEO but all it did was take a mental toll on me.

As I continued along with my work, I got notified of an email that read "Night @ Rivers". Apparently there was a gala the coming Saturday planned by the Rivers.

This is my chance.

It finally has come.


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