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I hid myself when heard footsteps of some cruel men.

"He is here, we'll take care of it," one said.

"I doubt which one is the real psycho here," other one cracked and both the men got lost in the wild snow.

My curious devil whose death is decided, wanted to know more about them as that's the last option of getting out of here. My silly and witless legs started following them quietly, just like a lion chases it's prey after aiming.

I lost their track as as sun was already set till now. Why the hell I even went to school? I would have been making snow mans at home.

Following them made me stand in a passage with spider webs. My current situation is the same as of that butterfly stuck in the web, trying to escape, and the spider is coming closer to swallow her.

I was busy sobbing for the butterfly when one of the pills fell from my hands. I already held a lot of them beforehand so that I can drop it after every few metres. This will help me to find my way and return back to the car at least. But as I said, my half witted brain is useless now. How will I find and follow two centimetres small pill in this darkness? I bent down to pick up the closest capsule but it started rolling on the slanted metal floor.

I took a deep breath, gathered all my courage and went where the pill lead me. I ended up before an old curtain which was maybe all they could afford in place of a designer door. If we know that death is on your doorsteps, why not open the door with attitude?

"I am not a coward," I slowly kept repeating.

There were only big carton boxes, tires, ropes and all around. Thankfully there was a small bulb lit which gave enough support to this blind old lady. I moved behind a big cardboard box. My eyes investigated around and I got back my breaths when I found no one.

I could only see a chair with ropes from behind. When went closer, an old man was tied to it. He was totally blank and unconscious.

"So you are the one who is being drugged like me," I whispered to myself with teary eyes.

I went closer to him as my inner humanity was unnecessary bursting out.

His head hung down and had a sucked face with heavy beard grown. Moisture filled his cheeks which usually happens when we are too tired. His dried lips and bruised limbs were clear proofs of utmost torture.

Why this world has to be like this?

I wonder what his crime was which made him like this.

"Are you ok?", I asked in a low voice in a hope that I'll get to hear his damaged voice.

There was no sharp object with which I could free him and let this old man escape too.

My face lighted like a megawatt bulb when he slowly opened his eyes. My smile was increasing was he was gaining his mental strength.

"How are you feeling sir?", I asked politely as he needs comfort.

"BITCH!!", he shouted which made me fall on the ground. "How dare you come here! Get lost!!"

"Please calm down. You are misunderstanding. I am here to save you--"

"I WANT TO KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!", his red eyes opened wide and evil mouth spilled poison. He kept trying to get up and the chair also shivered due to his anger.

"Shush! Please stay quiet or they won't let you go," I humbly requested. I actually don't care much about this old man but if he keeps screaming, I will be caught and hanged too.


"Please try to understand old man. I am not who you think I am--"


Knows me?

"Sorry mister but I've seen you for the first time and you are highly--"


The door creaked and I signaled him to stay quiet. Two men entered the room while I kept getting anxiety attacks.

"What are you doing here? And who are you?", the first one in all back clothes asked me.

I gulped all my fear in a row, "I am your aunt and came to see your work. Any problem my child?"

"Don't try to act smart infront of us or we will need to call our boss to handle you," the other added which boiled my blood because high blood pressure is my problem.

"Why? Can't you do anything on your own? Do you need your boss to even help you pee?", I smirked.

"I don't like women who talk a lot," first idiot said and started taking steps towards me.

"Don't you dare come closer," my voice trembled.

"Why? You will punch me with your soft hands? Or scream for help?", they laughed.

"I will call the police," I quickly took out my phone and dial but they snatched it from me and threw on the floor. It broke as if just now taken out from a mixer grinder.

"My three hundred dollar phone," I fake cried and looked at them. "Why are you keeping us here? Let me go!"

"Are you here to help this psycho?", one laughed.

I turned back and that old guy was asleep once again. They have taken full control over his mind. Though they have abducted him, he is working according to their plan.

"What have you done to him?", I shouted. "Tell me, why are you drugging us? Is it what you do for earning you cheapskates?"

I looked back carefully at that once again. Maybe if we shave his beard and moustache....he will look like someone I know.

The two heavily built men communicated in some sign language and one went outside.

"Hey! What were you two talking? Are you leaving me or not?"

"Stop shouting!"

"I won't! Leave me right now!!"

"Stay quiet or I will break your bones!"

"Oh really? Do you even know how many bones are there in human body?", my voice cracked as I said the wrong punch line. Gosh! Why can't I stay serious for a moment!

"You speak a lot chick! I liked that," he rubbed his lips in different way which scared me like hell.

"You asshole--"

That's all I could say before I felt a hard contact on my cheeks.

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