2. Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,
I met a boy... he made my dull heart light up with joy...

"What are you writing there Adelpha?" Hermione asked as she walked into the section we all usually sat in during the train ride. Her curly brown hair puffed out from the heat.

"Oh it's nothing" I muttered closing my notebook and pushing it back into my bag.

Summer... my favorite season. The way the flowers would sway back in forth slowly in the wind. The weather is summer... not to hot... not to cold. Perfect for running in a field to escape reality. The crickets that chirped quietly at night. Laying in a field looking up at the moon at night.

"You seem to be lost in thought to day Ms. Rose" Hermione giggled out. Sliding the door closed.

"Oh shove off, How are you are Ron?" I asked trying to push the attention away from me.

"Oh my... Well I stayed at the Weasleys this summer. It was crazy. Fred, George, Ron, Harry........ They were all so crazy...... it was so fun we'd sneak out and go to a river...... I'd say Ron was a little jealous seeing me and Fre-....... And then....." Hermione continued to tell me about her summer. I couldn't pay attention, only hearing slight details. I wanted to pay attention but i couldn't. My mind was still thinking about my summer.

"What's someone like you doing out here?" his deep voice muttered.

"I like to lay in the field and look at the stars. Makes me feel peace." I muttered.

"Bloody Hell Hermione you're boring her." A sarcastic voice spoke. I looked back over to Hermione seeing Ron sat beside her. I looked over to see Harry slightly smiling beside me. Hermione had a sincere smile on her face.

"Sorry I just need some air." I mumbled smiling squeezing past Harry. I slid open the door and walked down the train halls. I quickly walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. My body had a slight tan... my wavy blonde hair laying on my shoulder. My green eyes looking back at myself. Back to being the Perfect Girl again. I splashed some cold water onto my face hoping to calm my mind down. I took a deep breath and looked back into the mirror one last time before turning around and opening the door.

I roughly bumped into someone as I exited the bathroom. I knocked their books out of their hands.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry here let me he-" I muttered. Apple... Mint... Malfoy. I looked up at the tall figure looking down at me with disgust.

"Aren't you suppose to be a smart Raven Claw?" Pansy Parkinson spoke with annoyance in her voice. I quickly bent down picking Malfoy's books up and handing them back to him, ignoring Pansy's comment.

"Once again I'm sorry." I muttered handing him his books, trying to avoid eye contact. He grabbed them back harshly.

"Leave her alone Malfoy." a raspy voice yelled out slightly. I turned to look behind me to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron standing at the end of the train hallway.

"It's fine I-" I quickly tried to speak out. I really don't want to have to witness another fight between Harry and Draco. They hated each other since first year. To be fair Harry was quiet rude to Draco when he tried to be nice.

"She was the one who ran into me Pottah." Draco seethed out.

"Cmon Adelpha shouldn't be around someone like him" Ron muttered. Hermione gave Draco a small smile. She was always kind despite what people would say.

"You still think about me Darling and it's obvious." Draco whispered into my ear as I turned away. I gave him one last look before walking away.

"What was that about?" Hermione whispered to me. I guess she was the only one who saw what happen.

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