6| The First Trial

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Author's Note:

we made it to 150 reads let's fucking go lads! if we make it to 1,500 i'll buy everyone cookies (jokes i'm a broke ass bitch ahahaha but i can give u each a virtual cookie i guess?)


Jae stood up, schooling her features into a hard, emotionless glare. She took a deep breath and made her way down the stairs, stepping onto the sandy grounds as she exhaled. She looked to her side as she felt the ground shake under her opponent's feet.

Gods, he was huge. No wonder the ground had shook upon his entrance. Jae felt like a mouse standing next to an elephant.

The hulking beast of a man looked down at her much smaller figure and gave her a nasty smirk that oozed arrogance and vanity. He even went so far as to look back at the remaining men and pump his arm into the air as though he had already won.

Jae scoffed. This man barely posed a challenge to her. And knowing that was what kept her head high as she stepped into the center of the chalked out ring. The metal tang of blood wafted into her nose as she smiled sickeningly under her face covering knowing she was about to add to the previous bloodshed.

She turned to bow to the king, bending as low as she could go to show respect. Then she turned to the brute she was to fight.

And she slipped off the face covering.

The stadium stilled. The man before her sneered. And Jae could hear the light gasps of the Head General and the men that stood with him, overseeing the competition. But her cold, calculated gaze didn't falter as she continued to stare up at the man with an edge of what appeared to be disinterest.

That slight display of cockiness is what had the man turning to the Head General and saying, "Are you serious? Look at this! I'm expected to fight," he paused to look at Jae again, "a girl? This is an absolute mockery!"

The Head General put a hand up, silencing the abnormally large man in front of her. "If you believe this is a mockery, then you should have no problem winning. You will fight her as you would anyone else."

Jae struggled to keep her features icy, wanting nothing more than to throw herself at the Head General and hug him. The brute stared at her once again. "Fine," he said, "but I will not bow to her. This is a disgrace."

Jae was seething under her calm exterior. Oh she couldn't wait to see him on the ground before her. She refused to stoop to his level, bowing before him and settling into a fighting stance. The man sneered.

The whistle blew and it hadn't even stopped before Jae was upon the ruffian. As soon as the ground had shook beneath his steps, she knew his heaviness was his biggest weakness for he would struggle to move with speed. She took that to her advantage and started out on the offense immediately, moving into his space and striking him in the abdomen. He flinched, giving her enough time to keep moving and lash out with her leg, hitting the back of his knees and forcing him down to the ground.

She threw a leg up again and kicked his back, his heavy body falling forward under the force of her blow. She went to kick him again but he finally made a move, rolling out from underneath her and grabbing her leg with his burly hands. He yanked on her foot and she fell quickly, arms barely moving fast enough to break her fall and keep her head from hitting the ground.

He used her fall as time to get back on his feet and lunged for her out of rage but she rolled just as he had, using the momentum to get back on her feet as well. They stood for just a moment before the man almost ran at Jae with a snarl.

Good. She had lured the elephant right into a trap.

When she could see the whites of his eyes, she sidestepped and slammed a fist into his face, blood gushing out of his mouth at the blow. He staggered and Jae hit him again under his nose, feeling her knuckles crash into the bone and shove it up with a sickening crunch. He stumbled back but she wasn't done with him yet.

Two quick punches to the stomach and he was coughing out more blood. He fell on his knees once again and Jae leaned in to his face.

"Look who's bowing now," she whispered, smirking. She moved around him again, grabbing his arm and twisting with her hands while she slammed her foot down on his back, effectively dislocating his shoulder.

The ogre-like man screamed, actually screamed like a little school girl, and the whistle was blown signifying the end of the duel.

The brute was an absolute mess, bleeding and blubbering about his injuries while Jae walked back to her seat with a cunning smile. There was not one scratch on the girl but still she was upset with her performance. She felt sluggish and had to take a few moments to catch her breath once she sat down.

She shook her head. This wouldn't do. Starting tomorrow she would have to get back to a strict training regimen. She put a hand to her chest where Jihun's pendant rested.

Show them hell.

Oh she would show them alright.

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