Chapter 79: Heirlooms

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Me realising if I don't get out of lockdown then my high school life is over.
God I'm growing up way to fast, I don't like this.


"I'm guessing by the look on your face that you are not too fond of the location?" I question impulsively.

"No, I think he always looks like that." Adriano so thoroughly analyses.

"No, his eyebrow is twitching. He's definitely pissed." I retaliate.

"Oh your right!" Adriano moves closer to Stefano analysing his face.

"Adriano if you don't get the fuck away from me you will beg for me to put you back in that coma." My father threatens.

He intensely backs away in fear and the whole room once again went silent.

"Sienna, you better kill her first because I don't think I could stop myself from making sure that she endures a dark, painful death." Stefano mutters through his teeth.

Well that was forward... can't say I'm upset about it though.

"What, why? I mean apart from the obvious." I ask obliviously.

"She's making you meet her here on purpose. She knows it will trigger me as soon as I enter." He exclaims aggressively.

I grow more confused though Christian takes the phone out of my fathers hand and reads the address plastered across the screen.
A deep, heartbroken sigh releases from his mouth.
"This is where Nonno died." (Grand father)

I saw my fathers face tense up as angry as ever, it scared me. My father is the only man that could ever leave me fearful and by seeing this, I saw so much darkness in him but this time it wasn't tainted darkness, it was more of a dimmed light.
Though for him, it may have been too late to find a spark inside that hole of iniquity.

"To our advantage, I know the warehouse better than anyone. I studied that whole place whilst avenging my fathers death. I know all the places she would have her men stationed." Stefano explains drawing himself out of the dark hole slowing reeling him in.

"I know the secret entrances and escape routes." Xavier adds.

Oh look, he is capable of adding useful information into conversations.
We're still working on Diego though.

"But this mission stays WITHIN these four walls. This is family businesses and we work best when our violence has family ties. Understand." Escobar demands.

"Sì." We all accept immediately.

"I will inform all of you of your rolls on the car ride there as I do not want you to over think your actions and decisions. The choices made need to be instinctual and of adrenaline not complicated thoughts." He explains though I'm guessing that was largely directed to me.

I get it dad, I overthink too much. Its not my fault I have crippling anxiety. Leave me alone.

"Brace yourselves, Verna's are like none you have seen before. Though we beat them once and we will do it again. You are dismissed."

"Verna is such an ugly name." Fiorella screws her face up.

I think of Sarah, the women who was held captive by Abel. I thought about her a lot. I thought about the promise I made her and how I was failing her by not yet freeing her.
But I can't do that yet, my mother goes first.

Slightly bowing our heads, it was clear that the speech had left us as weary as ever. Me more than most as I knew that by this time tomorrow I would have faced my darkest demons and the question as to if I would make it out alive would remain unanswered.
I darted back to my room the second I could and impulsively thumped around hoping my toxic energy would release at the heels of my feet.

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