Chapter 25

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Authors note: Please remember this story does NOT fully follow the AOT time line or events. Some evens may be dropped or added. I may create certain scenarios that do no transpire in the manga and time skips. That being said if you've made it this far thank you for giving my book a read and please feel free to vote on chapters you like and comment☺️


"Damn I'm surprised this one still has a pulse, she looks like a Titan chewed her up and spit her out." You can make out a mans voice but couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes.

The pain was absolutely excruciating I couldn't even sit myself upward let alone bring myself to open my eyes.

I could feel a calloused hand come around and un do my ODM gear from my belts.

"Her gear seems to be in fine condition outside of the one wire,it will get a pretty penny in the underground at least." The over powering smell of body odor and alcohol makes its way to my nose the second the man is close enough.

Suddenly a boot comes smashing into the front of your face knocking you to lay flat on your back.

"Hey she ain't to hard to look at, clean up her face a little bit and she'd be like new. You know.....Nate wouldn't want us to pass up on a potential for him  to make money. Grab her and let's get back before anymore of those scouts catch up to us." The man says who had just kicked me in the face.

Feeling myself being flung over someone's shoulder my body goes entirely limp.

"Sto.. please" you try say as you continue to cough up your own blood.

"SHES ALIVE!" The man who was carrying me jokes to the others as his other hand comes up and smacks my ass harshly.

Plea..... I'm a scout" you mumble as blood falls from your mouth.

"A scout you say?! They pay extra for a beauty from above." One of the other men snickers as they all begin to chuckle.

The man that was holding me shoots a wire into a nearby tree and begins to fly through the air with the rest of them.

"They must have been thugs who steal gear from the MPs,Garrison,and Scouts." You thought to yourself.

"Above?" Was all you were able to muster out.

"Oh yes darlin you won't be seeing the light of day again. We're bringing you back to our boss. He runs many business in the underground, one of them is a tavern. You'd fit in just perfect there." Delivering another swat to my ass he laughs again.

"Well it's not so much of a tavern as it is a gentleman's bar. You'll be dancing and performing other duties as well, they'll love a small timid little thing like you. Black hair and pale skin is a little of a rarity for us we just might have to wait to bring you to our boss." The man who had kicked you in the face says as he chuckles .

"Boss! They found us again! And there's that one with them again!" One of the men amongst them yells at what I was assuming who was in charge of all of this.

"Push forward they'll never reach us before we can make it back to the hidden entrance just use the remaining gas, we can always steal some more from the MP's later we just need to stay away from him." The one you assumed was the boss responded.

"Captain they have her!'s. Y/N!"You can hear Jeans strained voice scream.

Raising your head from your captors back you can see Levi and some of the scouts quickly gaining on you. Levis eyes immediately lock with yours. You can see the sheer pain flash through his eyes.

Levi shoots a hook right into the man that was keeping speed with my captors. Ripping him back full force. Before the man is able to reach Levi, he had already pulled out one of his blades. Connecting with the mans abdomen he slices him completely in half. Blood spraying all over Levis face.

"Do not hesitate to put them down, I will not be losing my wife today." Levi yells back at the scouts tailing him.

"Is that Ackerman? He used to be the most violent thug of the underground I heard he made it above ground, I'm not shocked that he's rose up to his position so fast. The man is a absolute monster." The  man carrying me says to the others .

"The mans something that's for sure." The boss rebuttals.

"Cadet Y/N Ackerman are you okay?!" You can hear Mikasa scream at you from behind Levi.

"Ackerman huh? So your the famous Ackermans lady oh god the boss is gonna love you." The one constructing this laughs out loud sadisticly.

Holding my head up again hoping to catch another glimpse of Levi. You suck in a deep breath preparing yourself knowing you'd only have one good go at it.

"LEVI PLEASE !!!!!!!" You scream back to Levi locking eyes with his as you begin to cry.

His eyes never leaving yours you can see the pain he is in watching you.

"DONT LET THEM TAKE ME PLEASE LEVI!" That was all you had left in you. You couldn't speak any further let alone gather enough air to breath.

Another hook comes flying forward at ungodly speed. Shooting clean through another mans stomach,I hear levi.

"Mother fuckers!" Levi yells through his clenched jaw. Throwing his arm in a backwards motion I can hear his ODM gear click as the wire begins to instantly retract back into Levis holder ripping the mans body back in Levis direction harshly.

Looking up just in time to see the mans head come lean off by Levis blade he continues to push forward.

"I'm gonna have to stop and turn around there's no way in hell he's gonna let us all make it outta here alive." The boss man says as I can hear the sound of metal clanking against his ODM holster as he pulled the blades out of their holsters attaching them to the handles.

"Make sure to let Nate know she's Ackermans he will pay a hefty price for that alone, her looks will just be a bonus. Keep going I'll slow them down enough for them to lose sight of you." The boss man says as he turns around and throws a whiskey bottle in Levis direction following with a gun shot.

Making a explosion I lose sight of levi and my captor who had shot his wire into Levis direction now losing him as well in the explosion.

"LEVI!!!!!!" Tears through your throat one last time before the men you were with jump down into a underground hole completely losing Levi and the scouts along with their leader.

After zipping through a what seemed like miles of underground caves we emerged in the underground city. The fluorescent lights were almost to much for your eyes to bare, bringing your hand up to shield your eyes.

"Home sweet home baby!" The man that was carrying you laughs and smacks your ass harder this time.

"Now what was that the boss was saying about waiting to turn her over to Nate?" The mans hand that was still resting on your ass begins to rub it in circles.

"It's just like before..." you think to yourself closing your eyes all to well knowing what they had in store for you.

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