Chapter 42

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Rita's pov

I was reading a book in my room when there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Yes," I called the person in before the door opened and a maid walked in.

"Madam, your father asked for your presence," she said and I smiled. I knew sooner or later he would call me to talk to me about the shares I had inherited from Nicolai.

"Let's go then," I said before putting the bookmark between the page I stopped reading and getting up. She nodded her head and followed me out of my room to my father's office.

As I got to his office, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. When he called me in, I opened the door and walked in before closing the door behind me.

"You wanted to see me," I said with a smile. "Yes," he said, pointing to the seat in front of his desk, "take a seat."

"I wanted to talk to you about your shares," he told me. I nodded my head, saying, "Okay, I'm listening."

"I will get straight to the point, Rita. It is better if you transfer your shares to me. You cannot manage them, you are too young and you have no experience of running a business," he claimed that I was too incompetent to manage my shares.

I smiled, hiding my anger. I was tired of doing my best and never being good enough. I've had enough of him making decisions for me. And I was sad that my own father didn't believe in me, and always doubted my abilities. Because I am able to run business.

"You are right, father. I have no experience about running a business. I don't know how to manage these shares. It must be a big responsibility to manage the shares of casinos, bars, brothels and hotels," I told him with a hum.

"I am glad that you understand me and know why you must transfer your shares to me. I do this because I want to help you. I only want the best for you. And I'm happy that we were able to come to an agreement." He looked satisfied with my obedience.

Then, he took a file and put it in front of me. "I've already prepared the contract, you just have to sign it," he said, giving me a pen.

"Father?" I called for his attention, making him look at me, "I only agreed with you that it's a huge responsibility to manage the shares of a multimillion-dollar company in Russia, but I never agreed with you to give you what is mine."

He chuckled. It was a dark chuckle — nothing friendly. "Come again?"

"It's my right to own these shares! It's my right to manage these shares! And it's my right to do with these shares what I want! I will not give them to you!" I took the contract and tore it apart.

He looked at me in shock. Then his shock turned to anger, but I didn't care. I wouldn't give him more power only to destroy me more.

I wanted a life. I didn't want to live in fear anymore. And I didn't want my baby to grow up in fear too.

Also, I didn't want to lose my child, but I knew I would lose my baby as soon as my father found out about my pregnancy.

He would force me to have an abortion or else he would not be able to marry me off to another man to strengthen his ties.

If I signed this contract and gave him my shares, I would lose my baby and the man I loved. I would lose two people I'd die for.

My love for them was also the reason why I started fighting him. I wasn't afraid of death. I was scared of losing Roman and my baby. And if I wanted to save them, I had to play him off.

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