Take a smell

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"Good morning class!" Slughorn announced loudly enough that it sent a ringing through your ears for a split second.

"Good morning.." was muttered by all students back, sleepily, as you all opened your books sluggishly.

"Ah, an exciting quartet today." Lavender whispered at you from across the table.

You giggled and flipped to the table of contents, waiting to be told what you were doing that day.

"Alright now, we have a challenge today. Amortentia." Slughorn said from the front of the class.

Everyone turned their heads to him, immediately waking up. We all knew how challenging this potion was to concoct, and how dangerous it has been through history.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine, but you need to Make a semi- correct amortentia before you move on to O.W.L.'s."

Everyone only grew more tense, knowing this was an owl requirement.


As soon as Slughorn shouted, everyone erupted out of their seats, and ran over to the supple shelve, grabbing various Ingredients varying from sun water, to moon powder.


"Is yours turning shimmery?" Lavender asked, as she furiously stirred her mixture which was a light pink with little chunks of unmelted rose petals.

"Lav, I've been done for ten minutes, what do you think?" You said, leaning back into Your chair.

"Can you help me?" She asked, dropping the stirrer into the pot.

You stood up, walked over to her across the table, and immediately knew what she did wrong.

"Your perfume smells great what is it? Oh- and you forgot moon dust. It's what causes the shimmer on top; don't stir." You sat back down, this time right next to lavender, your cauldron bubbling across you.

"It's sweet pea, Hermione got it for me." She said, now relieved at the fact that her potion was fine now.

Although she seemed stressed, you looked around and saw everyone, their heads in their hands, desperately trying to figure out where they had gone wrong, and Slughorn was practically bouncing from student to student, trying to help.

"Sir, do you need help?" You asked, standing up.

"Please, thank you!" He said across the room.

You made your way around the room, telling everyone what they had missed, or what they had under measured.

"I need help!" You heard from the west table.

"Coming!" You bounced over, but stopped being so enthusiastic when you realized it was in fact Parvati asking for help.

"Parvati , I have no time for-."

"I'm serious, I need help." She seemed extremely frustrated with herself, and even though you resisted, you felt guilty, and stood behind her.

"You've forgotten the sunflower oil , that's why the color's off. If you had sampled that yourself it would've been the scent of what distances you from others."

"Ah, I thought I smelled your perfume."

You rolled your eyes, but also felt a sudden twinge of sadness. She used to talk like that, just jokingly. It used to make you laugh. There were some things you missed about her dearly. But jealousy was not one of them.

"I'm going now. Bye Parvati." You chuckled lightly and raised your eyebrows out of how daft your pst thought was.

"Ok take your seats, I think you all are done and satisfactory at most."

You all sat, and Slughorn went around the room, making sure people smelled something.

"Chocolate and caramel! Sounds lovely ms.brown."

You paused.

"I made you some chocolates. They have almonds and caramel in them." She said as she pulled a orange pouch from her dress pocket, and placed it in his hand.

It can't be.

"Ms. Y/L/N?"

It smelled exactly as you expected.

"I smell... the leather of a beaters cap... grass, and cinnamon."

"I wonder who.."Slughorn said with a chuckle, as he left your table.

"Alright ms.patil, take a smell."

Pavarti lowered her head, and took a sniff, the smoke coming up turning a mysterious green and pink mixture of colors.

"I smell...erm...incense? And something sweet pea."

You looked over at lavender, who's mouth was tight, yet slightly parted.

"Lavender, the reason Ron missed her was because she gave him caramel chocolates."

She bit her lip, and looked over at pavarti, who was completely oblivious to the situation .

"Y/N, are you upset?"

"I have no right to be upset, just surprised." You felt a hole growing in your stomach. Lavender was one of your best friends in the whole world, and you knew she used to talk to pavarti and had noticed a bit of extra 'closeness' per se, but you didn't think of meant anything; she had a crush on Ron for Gods sake!

"Alright, well I will give you each a bottle of the amortentia for keeping, take one at the door." Slughorn flicked his wand to the table that was near his door, and a golden tray with about 20 heart shaped viles appeared.

You and lavender rushed out of the room, and she immediately started panting as she strutted down the hall to the commons.

"What are we going to tell Ron?" She said, unusually loud to you.

"I've been summoned?" Ron said sarcastically as he pushed between you and lavender, hoisting his arm around you and kissing your head.

"Ron, we have to tell you something."

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