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You've never been happier to see anyone in your life. With Willem's back turned, this is the best time for you to do something, anything: hit him, kick him, choke him out with your legs. But your limbs feel too heavy, too sore. You try to kick your leg up, but your body doesn't seem to respond to your brain.

Levi takes another step in, blade still pointed at Willem, and his free hand swipes up to his hair to move his wet bangs out of his eyes. "You fucking idiot," he says with a scowl, eyes shifting to you. "Made me come out in a fucking storm."

Somehow, you laugh. "Sorry," you croak.

Ethel drags herself across the hay. "Will," she calls.

That seems to be the cue for Willem to move. He reaches to his hip for his gun, that long bulky rifle that seems like it's a pain to carry around. Levi is faster, though. He's wearing his ODM gear- thank god- and one of his hooks shoot into the barn wall behind you, narrowly missing your father. Levi shoots forward, blade raised, and Willem ducks. Levi's blade slashes upwards instead, cutting through the rope holding you up, and you drop to the ground in a heap, knocking over the pail that Willem had been using to try and collect your blood.

There's a bang as Willem's rifle go off. You try to look around, to see if Levi's okay, but he blurs by so fast that you can't keep up. His boot sinks into Willem's face, and the man crumples to the ground.

You've never seen Levi in a fight. It's mesmerizing. He's a blur of movements, fast and efficient, and despite Willem having almost a foot of height on him, he's got no chance. "No!" Ethel sobs, crawling towards them.

"Levi!" someone shouts, and Hange runs through the door. Their hair is soaked and plastered to their forehead, and you wonder how they can see properly without their glasses. "Let's go!"

"Hange," you gasp, hands slipping in the hay.

Levi steps over to you, blade raised, and for a half second you think he's going to attack you. Then, he brings his blade down between your wrists, severing the ropes. It feels like your skin can finally breathe. "Thanks," you say, pressing a palm to your stab wound and glancing over to see what happened to Willem.

You have to swallow your bile. His face is covered in blood and he's not moving. Levi reaches over to Willem's hand, taking your knife from his loose grip. "This isn't yours," he says darkly. He turns back to you as you're struggling to get up to your feet, and his eyes widen. "Shit, did he stab you?"

You look down at yourself and lift your hand away. Your hand comes away sticky with blood; it's drenched your shirt and been sprayed along the side of your skirt. "Sort of," you mutter.

"How do you 'sort of' get stabbed?" Levi demands.

"Levi!" Hange yells. "We've got to go!"

"She's stabbed, Shitty Glasses!" he snaps back. He grabs your shirt sleeve and yanks hard enough to make you cry out. He pulls the torn sleeve off of your arm, staining it with the blood from your wrist, then folds it and presses it to your hip. "Hold," Levi instructs. You wince but do as he says.

Hange dashes into the barn, sidestepping Ethel, who's sobbing at Willem's side. "No, literally, we have to-"

There's a resounding boom that isn't the lightning, and the entire back wall of the barn erupts into flames. Levi puts himself between you and the flaming wall so fast that you don't even get the chance to see him move; he's in front of you one second and behind you the next. One of his arms slips around your shoulders and clamps on. "What the hell, Hange!" Levi yells next to your ear.

"I've been working on that for a while!" Hange shouts back, grinning insanely. They whoop proudly. "Damn!"

"You're a psychopath!" he shouts, and his arm tightens around your shoulders. One of Levi's hands slides under your knees and he pulls you up to his chest effortlessly. You hiss in pain, trying to keep the torn cloth pressed to your wound, and Levi stands, tightening his grip around you. "Hold on," he mutters.

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