
946 19 6

TW: mental illness

Okay I'm sorry this isn't a chapter but I wanted to clear up what happened in your past in the story. I also want to talk about future characters

You are originally from Chicago Illinois your friends there.
Lily: your best friend from Illinois
Noah: friend
Diego: friend and Lily's husband
Elijah: ex friend
Justin: one of your best friends

Family in Illinois:
Dad: just your dad the abusive alcoholic
Mom: just your mom
Kayla: older sister
Emma: cousin your really close with
Tom: Kayla's husband
Miles: Kayla's son
Elliott: Kayla's other son
Talia: Kayla's daughter
Marshal/Marsh: younger brother
Grayson: oldest brother
Austin: youngest brother
Papa: your grandpa who is like your best friend
Grandma: your supporting grandma
Jackie: your aunt that you're not a fan of

Okay now for your past,

You moved to Virginia when you were 18 for college. Causing you to become depressed from having to leave everything you loved and cared about. You began self harm. Until you met your best friends Johnny, Dallas, Parker, dean, Shawn, Sam, and ty. Later on you started dating Dallas you were so in love with him. You thought he was going to be the one you married, but all hell broke loose, Johnny died due to injuries regarding a fire. Dallas thought of Johnny as a brother Dallas was tough he didn't like most people so he didn't love many either but he loved you and Johnny. When Johnny died he couldn't take the pain and ended up getting shot. You watched both of them die the same night just an hour apart. You lost everything you couldn't take the pain. You had already been living in your car since you were a broke college student. Now your best friend and boyfriend were gone. You were never going to hear Dallas's New Yorker accent, you'd never get to yell music with Johnny in your car.

You kept all your feelings to yourself. It hurt most knowing you only had 5 things to remember two of the most amazing people. You were left with a leather jacket, necklace with a lighter on it even though you didn't smoke. That's what Dallas left you and Johnny he left his Jean jacket, switch blade and a letter that you still hadn't opened even after 7 years. After they died you fell deep into a dark depressed place. You ended up with an eating disorder, very bad anger issues, anxiety,you were addicted to cigarettes, and got PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) you'd get nightmares of the night they died. They haunted you since the day they died till even now.

Family past: you and your sister were best friends you guys did everything together, but then she got a boyfriend, went to college, got married, and had 3 kids, she also had her own bakery. You and your mother used to get along better, your dad is an abusive alcoholic but your grandparents they were your biggest supporters, but you and your aunt oh Lordy that's a whole train wreck you hate each other she's always been rude towards you. You and your cousin Emma are literally best friends she's always looked up to you and is even thinking about joining the bau. Her little brother Johnny was one of your best friends too. They are not Jackie's children

And there's even more but we still need surprises right.

(Yes there are two Johnnys but your cousin Johnny goes by jay) also I think that's most of your past

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