chapter 46. the lawless.

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"You summoned us, Masters?" Obi-Wan questions as the two of us walk up to a holotable with Masters Yoda and Mundi. A hologram appears of Satine.
"This is a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi. I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred and Almec is now the prime minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families." Her hologram turns around, and Mandalorian warriors surround her. "Obi-Wan, I need your help." The hologram ends as she's taken away. I look up at Obi-Wan worriedly, and he looks troubled. His arms are crossed and he rests his chin on one of his hands.
"Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi," Yoda requests.
He sighs. "Satine has been at odds with the Death Watch for years. And according to a report from Padawan Tano, they're no longer in league with the Separatists. If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was most likely an independent act caused by the Death Watch alone."
"Without involvement from the Separatists, this is an internal affair for the Mandalorians," Master Mundi says. "I'm afraid we cannot help."
"Why not?" I question.
"We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr," Obi-Wan argues, surprisingly letting his feelings for her show.
"I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation difficult," Master Mundi tells him.
"Understand your feelings, I do, Obi-Wan. But to take action, support from the Republic Senate, we will need," Master Yoda says.
"You know what the Senate will decide. They will not send aid to a neutral system," Obi-Wan states.
"At this time, nothing more, can we do," Yoda says. Obi-Wan closes his eyes and sighs, then begins to walk out the room. I follow close behind.
"So we're going to Mandalore, right?" I ask quietly.
"Of course we're going to Mandalore. We can't wait around for the Senate to decide, and then decide against it," he says. "Only problem is we need a ship that's not a Republic or Jedi ship."
"That... is a problem. What about Anakin? He knows ships, he's bound to have something or know someone."
"That's brilliant, Arlo. Let's go, quick!" We begin to jog down the halls towards Anakin's quarters. We skid to a stop in front and Obi-Wan bangs on the door. "Anakin!"
He opens the door a moment later. "What, Master?"
"We need a ship," I say.
"We have a bunch of those," Anakin replies.
"One that isn't Jedi or Republic licensed," Obi-Wan adds.
"Lemme think... oh, I have the Twilight! I haven't flown that in a while, but it should be perfectly fine. It's just sitting in the hangar."
"So can we use it?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Sure. What's the rush, why are you all so panicky?"
"Satine's lost Mandalore. She's in trouble," Obi-Wan tells him.
"Oh." Him and I share a worried look. Obi-Wan would never admit, but the two of us know him. He's panicking. "Good luck, then, you all."
"No such thing," I tell him as we run off towards the hangar. We find the Twilight sitting in the corner, gathering dust.
"Prep the ship. I'll be right back," Obi-Wan says as he runs off. I board the old hunk of junk and sit in the copilot's seat and begin to turn on the controls. A few minutes later, Obi-Wan returns, not in his usual tunic, but in the same clothes her wore to disguise as Rako Hardeen. He sits the helmet on the ground next to him, and quickly flies the ship out of the hangar.
"Out of all the disguises you could have possibly chose from, you had to choose that one?" I question, annoyed. "Doesn't exactly bring back the best memories."
"Well I really don't have unlimited clothing choices, and this was the only one with a helmet," he replies as we take off into hyperspace. The engine begins to rattle slightly.
"Why do you even still have that?" I ask.
"What, do you want me to burn it or something?"
"...Yes? I kinda do?"
"Of course you do. Well, don't worry, I don't plan on wearing this for long," he says. We sit in silence for a few moments, then we exit lightspeed and approach Mandalore. The engine starts to sputter even more. Obi-Wan begins to frantically punch at the controls to get it to stop while steam comes out the vents. I get up to try to fix it. He finally lands the ship and sighs in relief. I jump back as the the vent I'm working on explodes and catches fire. Obi-Wan looks back to make sure I'm okay, then grabs his helmet and stands. "Anakin, that's the last time I borrow a ship from you," he mutters. "I'll be right back." I nod as he exits the cockpit. I peek around the corner and watch as he lowers the ramp, but it stops. He stomps to get it to keep going down, but it stops up again. I snicker quietly as he hops off the ramp and tries to pull it the rest of the way down, oil dripping out of the ramp pipes.
"You better get your ship looked at," a Mandalorian in red says to Obi-Wan. He's not in the normal Death Watch blue... is this even Death Watch?
"Oh, it's my friend's ship," Obi-Wan replies, resting his arm against the still halfway-up ramp. It suddenly drops to the floor, and Obi-Wan stumbles, losing his balance. I cover my mouth with my hands to hold back a laugh. "He told me it was perfectly fine." I hear a metallic clang of another part falling off the outside of the ship. "Terribly sorry about that."
"Do you have a landing permit?" the Mandalorian questions.
Obi-Wan pretends to feel around his pockets. "Um, I think I left it in the ship. Come with me, and I'll get it." He leads the Mandalorian inside and knocks him out with a swift punch.
"Hm. Good plan," I say. Obi-Wan bends down and strips the armor, helmet, jetpack, and blaster from the Mandalorian, leaving the man in just his blacks underneath.
"Hide him somewhere while I change," Obi-Wan tells me.
"And where should one hide a body?"
"Anywhere where no one can see him," Obi-Wan says.
"Oh, sorry, I wasn't sure because I don't hide unconscious bodies on a regular basis," I reply sarcastically while he goes into the cockpit to quickly change. I drag the body away from the entrance back to the storage room, and pile a bunch of crates in front of him. I return to the cockpit as Obi-Wan places the helmet on his hip, now wearing the red Mandalorian armor. "Hm. You'd make a fair Mandalorian, Master."
"You think?" he asks as he adjusts his chest plate.
"Sure. I'd make a better one, obviously, but you definitely pass as one."
He rolls his eyes with a small, amused smile. "Sure, whatever you say. Now I need you to stay with the ship while I go to find Satine. We need to be ready to go as quickly as possible."
"Got it, Master. I'll try to make a few repairs, but I'm not sure how much it would actually do," I reply. "Now go get your girlfriend." He opens his mouth to reply to my comment, but closes it and shakes his head as he exits the ship. I enter the cockpit and push the Hardeen clothes he left on the floor to the corner. I bend down to the vent, which was no longer on fire, but still smoking a bit. I open the control board in front of it and notice two split wires. I begin to try to hotwire them, only electrocuting myself 4 times in the process. I then move to the main control board and begin to try to fix the controls on there, fixing wires and readjusting things. I then look out the window when I hear a speeder approach, and surely enough, it's Obi-Wan and Satine, with more of the red-armored Mandalorian firing at them. I run over to the entrance of the ship above the ramp. Obi-Wan turns and fires back as I help Satine in. Once Obi-Wan is up a good distance on the ramp, I shut the door and run back to the cockpit. Their blasts clang against the metal of the ship. I groan as I sit in the copilot's seat, while Obi-Wan pilots and Satine stands behind us. He presses at the button to the gun, but it does nothing. "...You have to punch it," I mutter to him. He grunts in frustration and slams his fist down on the button, and the guns begin to shoot. "We've gotta go, Obi-Wan, this tin can can't take much more!"
"We have to contact my sister for help," Satine tells us. "She'll send reinforcements."
"You have a what now?" I ask, suprised. She's never mentioned a sister.
"Who's your sister?" Obi-Wan asks. The ship takes off, but before we can fly away, we're hit by two missles. "Brace yourselves!" The controls and walls begin to crackle with electricity, and I notice the Rako Hardeen clothes in the corner catch fire. Well, at least there's one good thing coming out of this. The Twilight begins to spin out of control. "Let's get out of here." The three of us rush out of the cockpit and towards the ramp, and Obi-Wan runs down. I follow close behind. He loses his balance and begins to fall. I wrap one of my arms around the pole to keep myself sturdy and grab his arm as he falls, catching him. I hold onto him and the pole as tight as I can. 
"Obi-Wan, Arlo!" Satine calls as she's pushed out by the force of the ship. Obi-Wan catches her hand and holds onto her as the ship spins in place.
"Arlo, it's gonna blow, let go!" Obi-Wan shouts. I nod and let go of them, and they fall onto the landing platform roughly. I begin to jump after them, but the ship explodes, sending me flying off the platform. As I fall, I can hardly make out two faces. Savage Opress... and Maul. I grab onto a loose wire dangling from the platform above and swing onto the platform below roughly. The platform rumbling above me from the explosion makes me lose control of myself, and I land on the lower platform, flat on my back. I groan as I sit up. "Motherkriffer," I mutter to myself as I rub my back.
"Arlo?" a familiar voice asks. I look up and see Korkie jogging over to me, followed closely by Soniee, Amis, and Lagos. He puts down his blaster as he kneels down to me. I notice a cut on the side of his head, a streak of dried blood coming from it. "You all came! How's your, you know, scar?"
"I'm fine, Korkie, but there's been a bit of a snag in our plans. They, uh, blew up our ship."
"Of course you come from where the explosion is," he says as he pats off a few embers off of my shoulder. "I don't think I've ever seen you land not on your feet." He stands and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me back on my feet. I dust off my front, covered in soot from the explosion.
"Yeah, pretend like you didn't see that," I say, then look over to the three cadets behind him. "It's good to see you all again."
"You too," Soniee replies. Lagos and Amis nod in agreement.
"So what are you all doing? And what happened to your head?" I point to the cut on the side of Korkie's head.
"We rescued Auntie Satine from prison, then we got caught. I got hit in the head. They locked her back up somewhere, same with us, we escaped, went looking for her, and she was gone. So we were wondering if she was taken to the cells in the palace."
"We rescued her this time, though, uh, it's sort of backfiring. She's with Obi-Wan up there. We were caught by the Death Watch—"
"That's not the Death Watch, Arlo. There are dissident members of Death Watch is helping us now."
"They... what? Wait... hold on... that's why he's here. Satine said Almec is a puppet, and that means..."
"Who are you talking about?"
I look at him worriedly. "Maul. Wait... no... no no no! Korkie, this was a trap! Shit, we've got to get to them!"
"Arlo, calm down. What do you mean it's a trap?"
"Maul just wanted revenge on Obi-Wan, and he used Satine as bait so he can get it! Kriff, this is our fault! And now he's got him and Satine, shit—"
"Arlo." He tries to calm me down. "Arlo!" He then grabs my face in his hands. "Take. A. Breath. It's not your faults, it's gonna be okay, now let's go find them, alright?"
I nod as he lets go of my face. "Okay. Okay, yeah. Sorry."
"Don't be. Now where do you think they could be?" he asks.
"Prison, right?" Amis asks.
"I don't know," Lagos says. "If he wants revenge like Arlo says, locking them up in prison isn't a very bad punishment compared to some things."
"I agree, Lagos," I say.
"Maybe we should split up," Soniee suggests. "Me, Lagos, and Amis will sneak into the prison and look for them there."
"Arlo and I will head towards the palace. Check if they're being kept in one of the special cells there. Or, worst case scenario, they're being interrogated or tortured or killed," Korkie states.
"Good idea, Korkie. You guys ready?" The four of them nod. "Then let's do this. May the Force be with you all." We split off in our separate ways, Korkie and I jogging in the direction of the palace. I point to his blaster at his hip. "They teach you to use that in government school?"
He rolls his eyes. "Very funny, but no. We taught ourselves. We've known that this has been a long time coming. But we thought it'd be the Death Watch, not—"
"Freeze!" We skid to a stop as we find a group of Mandalorians circling around us, 8 in total. Korkie grabs his blaster, while I grab my lightsaber hilt, and we stand back to back as they begin to close in on us. "You're both under arrest for aiding and abetting."
I look at Korkie over my shoulder and whisper to him. "Hm, not really feeling like doing that today, you?"
"What? Arlo, we're outnumbered—"
"And? Just try not to get yourself killed, Kryze. I don't think I can carry your body that far." I ignite my lightsaber as they get right in front of us and slice through four heads at once, all in the time of Korkie blasting two of them. The remaining two Mandalorians continue to blast at us, and I easily block two of their shots right back at their chests. I smirk as I turn off my saber. "Six to two. I win."
He puts his blaster back down at his side as we quickly continue towards the palace. "Are you even allowed to do that?"
"Technically, we're not allowed to kill those who are defenseless. And they were trying to kill us, were they not?"
"I mean... you're not wrong."
"Exactly. There's a lot of loopholes in the Jedi Code, you know. Mandalorian warriors are skilled, and it would be difficult even for a Jedi to get out of there with no one dead." We hop on a speeder and Korkie flies us as quickly as possible. Mandalorians begin to shoot at us. I whip out my lightsaber and begin blocking them all around us. We stop abruptly by the memorial shrine, where Satine and I first introduced ourselves to each other, as some of the warriors fly on their jetpacks towards us. Korkie pulls out his blaster and begins firing at them. One of them sends a missile flying at our speeder. "Get off of here!" I shout. He jumps over to the safety of the platform as the speeder explodes while I Force jump into the air with a backflip, over the ground, as I slash across three of the warriors, sending them out of control as I land on both feet next to Korkie. He takes out the last couple with his blaster, then we keep running.
"Well, it's good to see you're fully healed," Korkie chuckles. "Can't even tell you were in the hospital, like, a week ago." We enter into the palace and run down the stairs to the cells in the basement. I close my eyes and use the Force to find Obi-Wan's presence here, but I don't feel his. But I do feel a presence above me.
My eyes shoot open. "Maul is in the throne room." I grab Korkie by the bicep and pull him in my direction and up the stairs. We run in the direction of the throne room and I skid to a halt outside the door.
"I don't know about this—" he says quietly.
"I need you to stay here," I whisper, cutting him off.
"Arlo, are you crazy? He almost chopped you in half!"
"And he'll do the same to you. But actually." I sigh. "Please."
"Korkie," I plead.
He sighs. "Okay. Be safe. Actually."
"Only 'cause you asked."
"I'll keep lookout."
"You be safe too, then."
He smiles as he copies my words. "Only 'cause you asked."
I chuckle softly as I open the door and step into the throne room. Maul sits on the throne, Opress standing menacingly at his right hand. Speaking of hands, one of Opress' is replaced by a robotic one. I smirk. "Wow. You all took 'an arm for a leg' quite literally," I say, getting the brothers' attention.
Savage growls at me as Maul smirks menacingly. "Come looking for Kenobi and his duchess?"
"Where are they?" I question firmly.
"Kenobi is rotting in his misery in prison. As for the duchess..." He gestures to the side. She... she lays... lifeless... on the ground.
"No!" I run over to her body and kneel to the ground, picking her up limp in my arms. "Satine..." A tear streaks down my face as I look at the gaping hold in her gut. Disbelief washes over me. She can't be dead... no. No. I feel myself begin to seethe with rage as I place her body gently back on the ground and look up at Maul on his throne.  "What... have... you... done?
"Oh, what's this? Is that... anger? Yes, good, use that anger, that need for revenge, and let it fuel you. Let it make you strong, powerful."
I get up and move to stand before his stolen throne once again. "You're the one to talk about being strong. The only reason you're still here is because of your hatred for Obi-Wan. You lived off of his weakness, and his pain. And if you live off of weakness, then that makes you weak, too."
"You are weak, child, and I will break you this time." I remember those words. The words he spoke to me on Florrum. But now, more menacing on his end. And this time, I have a different answer.
"You can't break me, because I'm already broken. And I'll take those broken shards and rip you apart with them." I take my lightsaber from my belt and ignite it to my side. Opress snarls as he takes a step towards me, but Maul holds his hand out to stop him.
He chuckles. "Leave her to me, brother. Go get Kenobi, and we'll let him watch her die, too."
"Oh, I don't think so," I sneer. Opress nods at Maul and walks out the side door. Thank the maker he didn't walk out from where I came in from, because if Korkie was still there, his fate may have been the same as Satine's. Maul stands and walks down the steps from the throne. I notice that his robotic legs look more realistic now.
He sneers at me as he ignites a black lightsaber. The darksaber I had seen Pre Visla wield against Obi-Wan back on Concordia. I twirl my saber as he charges at me, and our blades interlock.
"You should be dead already," he says through gritted teeth.
"Says the man who got chopped in half," I retort.
He pushes harder down on my blade. "You may be more arrogant than Kenobi."
"I wouldn't say I'm arrogant. I just think I really dislike you." I push him off of me and we begin to parry. We both swing at each other aggressively and block blows back and forth, back and forth. I duck under one of Maul's particularly higher swings, then hop back up and block his next blow behind my back, pushing it back over my head and to the front as our sabers lock again. Maul and I glare at each other through the black and gold light between us.
He probes deeper by looking menacingly into my eyes. "The duchess... she was like the mother you never had..."
I try to shut him out from finding out more. "Stop it."
"Your master... a father to you..."
"I said stop it."
"But now... her... and your real mother are dead... and in different ways, both cases... it's all you and your fathers' faults."
"SHUT UP!" I shout as I muster all of my strength and push his blade down and away from me, causing the darksaber to turn off and twist out of his hand. I catch it and ignite it in my other hand, twirling both blades and putting them in ready positions as Maul pulls out his red saber.
"Very good... your anger is beginning to serve you well."
I clench my jaw. I suddenly know how Obi-Wan felt when he fought him on Naboo. Overwhelmed with rage. I know he said to not fight with anger... but damnit, if I wanted out of this alive, I was gonna have to use it. "You haven't seen anything yet." I charge at him and become completely offensive in my attack, not even allowing him to have a chance to even think about landing a good hit. I use the darksaber in my left hand to defend from his poor attempts at attacks while I use the gold in my right hand to swing aggressively at the Sith Lord. My gold saber and his red lock together high in the air, and I force the blades down and add the darksaber in with the other two, creating an X with my blades while his pushes down in the middle. I push him down onto his knees and force my sabers closer to his neck with all my strength. My gold saber barely grazes his shoulder blade, and he hisses in pain as he Force pushes me away onto my back. I get right back up and run at him again. He swings the red saber at me while I Force flip over his head and slash across with both blades at his back, which he narrowly avoids by ducking, then hopping back up and kicking the darksaber out of my left hand. He grabs it with the Force and reignites it so he now dual wields it with his red lightsaber. I grip my gold saber with two hands again and prepare and try to regroup myself. If I'm using my emotions to my power, which is completely against the Jedi way in the first place, I at least have to be able to know when to control them. Like Obi-Wan said, I need to control my feelings. Before either of us can attack each other again, Opress barges through the side door that he exited from.
"Where's Kenobi?" Maul asks angrily.
"He escaped," Opress tells him.
Rage fills Maul's eyes at the news. "We must finish her without him, then," Maul says. Opress turns to me with a murderous look in his eyes as he ignites his double-blades red lightsaber. Well shit.
"Two Sith Lords against a 16-year-old Jedi Padawan? Wow, really brave of you boys." The two of them begin to stalk towards me. I creep backwards and duck as each of them swing a blade at me, then I block the next two blades my way. Maul's darksaber begins to swing towards my abdomen, with no way for me to block it, so I backflip away from their sabers. I continue to dodge, flip over, roll under, and block their sabers to the best of my abilities. I feel more grounded than I did while just fighting Maul. With the realization Obi-Wan was okay, I knew I had to get back to him. Me, not angry me. I already know he needs me without having to see him. Just keep surviving one blow to the next.
Speaking of Obi-Wan, his voice sounds out of the comlink on my wrist. "Arlo, where are you? Come in, Arlo!"
I use the Force to press the button to answer as three blades interlock with my one. "
"Obi-Wan, I'm kinda in the middle of—" I start, put I'm cut off by one of Maul's blades grazing my wrist guard, destroying the com. "Well shit," I mutter to myself as I somersault backwards away from the lightsabers. Well, at least it didn't take off my hand. Or my neck. I hop over Opress' blades that swing at me close to the ground as I block both of Maul's. Our blades lock and he kicks me backwards onto my back a few feet away from them.
I suddenly hear Korkie yell from the entrance. "Arlo, we've gotta go, now!" he shouts. His presence catches the brothers slightly off guard, presenting me with an opportunity to safely escape. I quickly stand and turn off my saber, then Force push them back towards the throne so hard that I also manage to send myself flying out of the throne room. I land roughly on the ground with my back against the wall. Korkie slams the door shut, then rushes over to me as I catch my breath. I feel the anger begin to subside, and a balance wash over inside of me.
"Looks like you saved my ass."
"Don't mention it. I made contact with my aunt Bo-Katan. She's with Obi-Wan, she helped him escape. Satine... she..." His voice begins to crack and I hardly make out in the dim light streaks from where his tears had previously fell across his cheek.
"I know. I... I'm so sorry."
He wipes a tear off my cheek that I didn't even know fell. "I'm sorry, too. I know she meant a lot to you."
I wipe a stray tear off his own face. "She... yeah. Yeah, she did."
"Now let's get you out of here, okay? It's not safe here anymore."
"But what about you?"
"Don't worry about me for now."
"You would say the same thing, Arlo. Now, really, we should probably be running like hell right now." He helps me stand up and scans me for any serious damage. "Nothing hurt?"
"Just a destroyed com."
"Then let's move. I've got a location on them, follow me." I run out of the palace alongside him and hop on an abandoned speeder, then fly away. I feel an eerily dark presence before I leave, one I've never felt before, but I brush it to the side. Maybe it's just Maul angrier than usual. We fly across the city towards wherever Obi-Wan and this Bo-Katan is. As we fly past the prison, I notice the other three cadets caught up in some trouble with the guards.
"Korkie, over there!" I say. He nods and turns in their direction. He stops in front of the prison entrance and I flip out of the speeder while igniting my saber, making quick work of the guards.
"Woah. That was awesome," Amis says.
"Thanks for that," Lagos says.
"Don't mention it," I say as I turn off my saber. We board the speeder once again, and Korkie flies us back towards their location.
"Did you find them?" Soniee asks.
"We have a location on Obi-Wan," Korkie answers. "But Arlo, I don't think I can make it there. I'll have to drop you off close by."
"That's fine, Korkie, don't worry about it," I tell him.
He then abruptly turns around and stops at the end of a platform, so the end of the ship is by the edge. "They're right underneath here," he tells me as I walk over to the end of the ship. I turn to Korkie, who approaches me.
"I'm sorry," I say quietly.
"Don't blame yourself, Arlo."
"I won't. Hang in there for me, okay?" He nods, and I cup his face for a brief moment before I let myself fall backwards. I backflip through the air then grab onto a small pole above the entrance and use the momentum from the flip to swing inside. I find some of the Death Watch members fighting alongside Obi-Wan, and I ignite my saber as I Force jump over the warriors over to them.
"Arlo!" Obi-Wan exclaims as I land next to him and begin blocking shots. "What happened? Your com—?"
"Got a bit caught up with Maul, and then Opress, too," I answer as I hold up my wrist to show him the fried comlink.
"You what?"
"Where's Korkie?" a red-haired woman in Death Watch armor next to me says.
"Bo-Katan?" I ask. She nods. "He's just above with the other cadets." Obi-Wan nudges me, and the two of us make a run for the closed off exit. We turn back around to see Bo-Katan and her Death Watch dissidents finish off the last of the warriors as the door opens. We turn back around and watch the scene unfold before us.
Mandalorians fight fellow Mandalorians. Some brawl with their fists while others fly through the air on jetpacks, firing at one another. A fire breaks out nearby as colorful explosions erupt everywhere. It's like a painting. A dark, horrific work of art. It all begins to sink in. Satine is dead, and everything she's ever fought for, for the hood of her home, was thrown out the window in the blink of an eye. Obi-Wan and I share a solemn look.
Bo-Katan walks up beside us as we examine the battlefield. "Maul must really want you dead," she says.
"You have no idea," Obi-Wan replies. She points forward, and us and her remaining warriors run out into the mess. We fight beside her and block blasts up at Mandalorians shooting at us from their jetpacks as we try to creep our way to the end of the platform. Death Watch reinforcements are sent in via shuttle, and the other Mandalorians shoot it down with missiles. A ship suddenly lands at the end, and the three of us make a run for it. We run up the ramp while she stays on the ground.
"Go back to your Republic and tell them what has happened," she says.
"That would likely lead to a Republic invasion of Mandalore," Obi-Wan tells her as we continue to block blasts on the ramp of the ship.
"Yes, and Maul will die. But Mandalore will survive. We always survive. Now go!"
Obi-Wan and I turn to leave, but Obi-Wan stops in his tracks and turns back to her. "You're Satine's sister, aren't you?" She doesn't reply, but looks down sadly. "I'm so sorry." We board the ship and shut to door behind us, and I look out the window down to the battleground below sadly. Mandalore has fallen.

ANGRY ARLO BADASS ARLO SAD ARLO ALL OF THE ARLOS IN THIS CHAPTER and now i'm sad too bc satine didn't deserve to die :( next chapter will probably be a shorter one but then we're getting into the wrong jedi arc right after that and that's gonna be sad too sooooo yeah
thanks for reading! -a 🪐

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