***lost in the woods 3/9***

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Meanwhile with the lamia searching through the forest for any means of a way out or any place for food, water or shelter, although she didn't really believe they need a different cave.

That one seemed so spacious, easy to hide and we would have so much more to explore of it.

Melathia sadly hadn't found any place good enough to drink from beside a beach that way presumably forty-five minutes away.

It was quite a beautiful beach, the sand was soft and nearly as white as snow.

The water was a nice turquoise blue, clear enough to see down to the bottom of the sea floor.

Clearly no one has been on this island in years, maybe even, never.

This would be a good place to expand demon territory.

Melathia didn't want to harm the island or change it, but this was a war and she would take anything she can get.

But some good news is that she had found feilds of deers, sheep, cows, etc. Perfect places to hunt.

Vel will like that.

Now that she had found sorce of food the lamia had relised just how long she had been missing for.

Melathia saw the way vel was looking at malori before she left, like a hungry predictor finding some delicious prey.

Oh that gives me so much inspiration! I wish i had my notebook right now.

Melathia rushed back in the derection she believe she had left from slithering past the endless trees.

Eager to see if anything had happened to malori yet. But instead of what the perverted demon had hoped to hear, she heard yelling and not the good kind.

It was a feminine voice, one Melathia has never heard before.

But was soon followed by the familiar demon charmers voice.

Melathia could only make out some of the words that they were saying over the frantic yelling.


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