Chapter Ten

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Blue Man came to his office and  listening to message. Rose is busy sitting and enjoying the view. Machine bleeping at blue Man telling him about a problem

Blue Man: What's that? How should I know? (Blue Man speak through on PA System)  Would the owner of the police box in gallery 15 please report to the Steward's office? Guests are reminded that use of teleportation devices is strictly forbidden under peace treaty 5.4/Cup)16. Thank you. Earth death in 25 minutes. Earth death in 25 minutes.

Rose is chilling enjoying the view. Rose picked up plant talking to it.

Rose: Oh, thanks. Hello. My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. We might be related. I'm talking to a twig.

The Doctor saw guards moving Tardis and shouted careful with that. Park it properly. No scratches. The Doctor continues looking for his secret lover coz they taking relationship slow. The Doctor found her and sat down to talk with her.

The Doctor: Rose? Are you in there? Aye, aye. What do you think, then?

Rose: Great. Yeah. Fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper. They're just so alien. The aliens are so alien. You look at 'em and they're alien my babe.

The Doctor: Well my love, good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South.

Rose: Where are you from?

The Doctor: All over the place.

Rose: They all speak English.

The Doctor: No. You hear English. It's the Tardis. The telepathic field gets into your brain and translates.

Rose: It's inside my brain?

The Doctor: In a good way.

Rose: Your machine gets inside my head and changes my mind and you didn't even ask?

The Doctor: I didn't think of it.

Rose: No. You never too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South! Who are you, then, Doctor? What sort of alien are you?

The Doctor: I'm just the Doctor.

Rose: From what planet?

The Doctor: You wouldn't know it.

Rose: Where are you from?

The Doctor: Why?

Rose: Tell me who you are.

The Doctor: This is who I am, right here and now. All that counts is here and now and this is me!

Rose:  And I'm here too 'cause you brought me! So just tell me!

The Doctor got of steps trying cool down after arguing with Rose. Rose follows him and stands by his side.

Rose: All right. As my mate Shereen says, "Don't argue with the designated driver."

Rose made the doctor laugh.

Rose: Can't exactly call for a taxi. There's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit.

The doctor took her phone to mend it so she can use during traveling

The Doctor: With a bit of jiggery-pokery...

Rose: Is that a technical term?

The Doctor: Yeah. I came first in jiggery-pokery. You?

Rose: No. I failed hullabaloo.

The Doctor: There you go.

The Doctor took rose battery out a put a space battery in for signal so she can stay in contact with her mum. He handed her phone back. He loves her so much but it has to stay secret. The Doctor smiles at  Rose. Rose phones her Mum, Jackie answers call.

Jackie: Hello?

Rose: Mum?

Jackie: What is it? What have I done now? This red top's falling to bits. You should get your money back. You never phone in the middle of the day. What's so funny?

Rose: Nothing. You all right?

Jackie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Rose: What day is it?

Jackie: Wednesday. All day. You got a hangover?  Put a quid in that Lottery syndicate. I'll pay you back later.

Rose: Yeah. I was just calling 'cause I might be late home.

Jackie: Is there something wrong?

Rose: No. I'm fine. Top of the world.

The Doctor could not help but laugh and smiles at what Rose said. Rose and Jackie hung up.

The Doctor:  Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill.

Rose: That was five billion years ago. So... She's dead now. Five years later, my mum's dead.

The Doctor: Bundle of laughs, you are. That's not supposed to happen.

Blue Man man asked is his friend what was going on.

Blue Man man: What was it?

Man: I'm just getting green lights at this end.

(Blue Man Man PA) Guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence. He Turned of PA

Blue Man talking to co worker: The whole place shook! I felt it. I've hosted events on Platforms One, Three, Six and 15 and I've never felt a tremor. If this lot decide to sue... I'm going to scan the infrastructure. What's that? Control, I don't want to worry you, but I'm picking up readings... I have no idea. They're small. The scan says they're metal. I don't know what they look like. Although I imagine they might look rather like that.

Blue Man talking to spider droid You're not on the guest list. How did you get on board. Droid deactivated sun filter.

Blue Man: No!

(PA) Sun filter deactivated.

Blue Man: No!

Sun burns the blue Man to death spider droid left to cause trouble elsewhere.

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