6. Swearing is never a smart idea

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27th November

Daniel has been in his own office all day, working on a couple of cases on his own. He trusted his boys with all his heart, but he didn't mind working alone from time to time.

He was re-reading his documents when the ring of the desk phone startled him.

«Hello, it's Daniel Thanders».

«Hello, Daniel. It's Richie Looths».

Mr. Looths was one of Alfred Thanders' oldest client. He stayed with the firm even when Daniel's father retired, trusting the younger man to handle his legal matters.

«Mr. Looths! It's always a pleasure to hear from you, sir. How can I help you?».

«I'm afraid it's going to be no pleasure, Daniel. I'm calling you as an old friend right now. I've been knowing you for the past thirty years, so I know you are going to handle the situation at your best».

Daniel was uncomfortably listening to everything his client was telling him, a bit confused.

«I'm sorry, sir, but I don't understand. Something happened at this morning meeting? My apologies if I couldn't be there, but an emergency occurred. My young associate attended, though. Something happened with Mr. Cantor?».

Daniel heard him sigh through the speaker.

«Unfortunately, it did. Your boy was incredibly rude and inappropriate, not to me obviously, but to our opponents. He swore a couple of times too. He made everyone uncomfortable, and the only reason why I'm not firing you right now it's because I know you, and I trust you - as I said before -».
Daniel took a second for himself to realize what Mr. Looths was telling him.
Marcus rude and inappropriate? His Marcus?

«Mr. Looths, I deeply apologize for my associate behavior. I assure you, sir, I'll take care of everything. The boy will be handled immediately and I promise you what happened today will not be repeated. Again, I'm so sorry, sir. I have no idea what happened to him, but I'll take care of it» Richie hummed pleasantly.

«I know the boy will be handled accordingly, that's why this is a friendly call. I trust you, Daniel. It's been nice talking to you, I'll wait for that email we talked about the other day».

As soon as the phone ended, Daniel stood up, livid. He couldn't believe what he's just heard! Marcus swore, and was rude and inappropriate to their client's opponents.
Daniel started pacing in his office, drawing deep breaths.
He didn't understand what went through the boy's head. Marcus was one of the smartest attorney at the firm, Daniel was usually incredibly proud of him. He trusted him with the hardest cases without supervising him, but after that morning outburst, Daniel didn't know what to think anymore.

He called Ms. Row in his office. She walked in graciously, holding a cup of tea in her right hand.

«You called, sir?» she smiled happily. The personal assistant was in a positive mood, it was a good day outside, warm.
The older man was the opposite.

«I need you to buy an organic bar of soap, no chemicals, and a wooden bath brush».
He couldn't use his paddle on Marcus, he still didn't know why, but the younger man looked frightened of that thick piece of wood. He saw his reaction at listening to Dylan's and Finn's tales of getting "Boss' paddle", and Daniel didn't like it at all.

«Something's wrong, sir?» she was concerned, but the man wasn't looking at her.

«Daniel?» he sighed.

«Marcus almost got us fired today. I think I have every right to blister his arse for it. Go to the store now, please. I need those items as soon as possible, thanks».
Ariel gulped. Daniel was too mad to handle Marcus "as soon as possible", so she made sure to take her time shopping before coming back to the office.

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