Chapter 14

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I put on my outfit for the day, makeup, put my hair into a hight messy bun, and added my yellow necklace. I did my regular routine . I went down stairs, talked with my family, are breakfast, and drove to school with my mother and sister. the day went on normally from their except for my 4th period (drama) we had to practice for our auditions. I walked into the drama room saying my "hellos" and "you look so cute today's". When class started I saw Pony-boy wave me over to an empty chair, it would be rude not to sit their. " everyone find a partner and rehearse your lines" Mrs.Caul's voice projected through out the space, Im partnered up with Pony-boy, he is new and I had previously promised to help him. "What part are you trying out for?" I asked him " Baby John" I was surprised, I mean a greaser likes fights, right? Their I go again being stereotypical. "Who do you want to be?" He said exited " I want to be Anita" really, that real cool Abby, good choice. about 30 minuets passed by, we just memorized lines. " okay everyone let's warm up our voices" mrs.Caul tapped her desk. we all sang "one hand one heart" I felt eyes burning in the back of my head the whole time. I hate it when people stair at me. "RIIIINNNGGG" the bell sounded and we all headed out the door. "wait Abby!" I heard mrs.Caul call out to me. " I saw Pony-boy staring at you when you guys were singing, I know how much you dislike people looking at you" she kindly pointed out to me. "Thanks mrs.Caul, see you tomorrow". We are rally close so we talk to each other a lot" why would Pony-boy be at situating at me? I meanI'm curious, I just want to know why.

Science was a little disturbing, everyone kept everything that could be potentially "dangerous" I felt like I was in a house that was completely baby proofed. At lunch I talked to Delilah, Olive, Flo, and Ellie-May about dinner at the Curtis house. " IS THAT GUY GONNA BE THEIR!?" I know Flo wouldn't even think about going g if dally wasn't gonna be their, so I said yes. She is practically one foot out the door of school she's so happy. "What's in it for me?" I found Ellie-May looking me with her face as strait as a board. Sometimes she really gets on my nerves you know? "You get to meet some really cute guys" I tried to make it sound interesting so she would want to come. " Well ok, but it's only because I love ya guys" even though she can be pretty spicy, theirs always good in her heart.... sometimes it's just harder to find, But that's why I love her. " yah and theirs this guy named Johnny, he's pretty cool" I saw Olives checks blush a little when she said it. "Maybe I should meet him" Ellie-May teased while popping a grape into her mouth. Olives eyes were burning, I know that it would be their funeral if they flirted with Johnny. I think Ellie-May knew what she was doing though, I hope. "Okay guys were all gonna meet at Abby's house to get ready, it's supposed to be a casual thing but we can still get dulled up a bit!" Delilah likes to plan ahead, and she's good at remembering stuff to, unlike me. everyone agreed, accept Olive who was still burning a hole through Ellie-Mays mind, it's like a warning saying "you better stay away or I'll cut you look" but Olives to sweet to do that to anyone, and even if she did we would still lover get to the moon and back.

After lunch was over my day went normal. Homework, learning, and reading. but unfortunately no dancing makes men. after school had ended I met up with my friends at Dairy Queen. it was only a block away from the school so I was ok. "I have to look amazing tonight, it's not everyday you get to meet your dream guy!" Flo almost fell on the floor with joy. "Yah but what if he doesn't like you?" Delilah just had to add. " we'll if he doesn't he doesn't, it'll be fine." but we all knew if he didn't like Flo she would flip! "How do you know if a guy likes you or not" Olive asked "we'll if he looks at you for a while, that can mean a little, and if he tries to impress you that's a big one, but if he teases you or jokes around with you then it's a done deal! That would mean he likes you" Delilah is a expert at this stuff, their is no doubt in my mind that she would ever be wrong. dang i should've taken notes. "why do you want to know?" Ellie-May added. "No reason, just something I would like to know" we all knew shy, but we think if she wants us to talk about it, She would bring it up.

(An hour later) "do you think he would like this dress? I mean it's darker than I usually wear but maybe he'll like it?" Flo held up a black and pink dress to herself. I wouldn't dream of her wearing that, she likes bright colors. "yes I'm sure he'll looooovvvveee it" Ellie-May made google eyes, "we'll at least I'm not wearing pants" Flo got a little defensive. Yes Ellie-May likes pants, but she's pretty brave to wear them around, Olive likes them to. But she doesn't always have them on. "do you guys like it?" Olive came out if the closet and had a light pink crop with high waisted pants, with a denim jacket. "you look adorable " everyone said, "yes! Were did you get that shirt!" Delilah loves clothes almost as much as I do. I've had it for a while" Olive is clearly flattered.

We all walked over to the Curtis house together, Flo is doing her makeup as we are walking. She already put on a lot at my house though. "This is so exiting! I can't wait to meet them all" Delilah has a little skip in her walk now " yah i guess, I mean what if the dinner tastes bad, or someone trips on the table, or hurls?" Ellie-May is a glass half empty kind if gall. But we don't completely blame her for it. Ever sense the last date she went on she worries about everything that could go wrong. As we passed the movie house, we all looked in the big mirror that is hung on the outside of the building. Ellie-May is wearing dark faded jeans, a white shirt with a red bandanna and red sneakers. Flo's wearing a black polka dotted dress, with her heir put up all fancy like, black high heels with a whole lot of makeup. Delilah chose to wear a purple skirt that went just below the knees, a long sleeve, light purple t-shirt, with purple pumps. Olive had a Light punk crop top, a high waisted petal pusher, and a pair if pink shoes. I wore what I was wearing from earlier that day, except I let my hair down and curled it. We are all best friends with each other, no question about that.

Flo was the first one to knock on the door, we treys settling her neves by assuring her that everything will be fine, we don't want her to look to desperate. As the door opened we saw strait into what you call " The Curtis house"

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