update 003.

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so, my netflix is back up and that means that i am allowed to update this book, i am so sorry that it's taken me this long, but expect a chapter by tomorrow morning or this evening because work ends at 3 today, also if you guys don't mind please stream my vinnie hacker book it would mean so much to me, it's taken creativity and stuff like that and it would mean so much to me if you didn't mind to read it, and if you're going to read it then can you leave a comment when you're about to start.

also, this book is gonna be a bit different since the last time i wrote, i'm experimenting some new writing styles, and it would mean so much to me if you read my vinnie hacker book because it takes me hours in some editing and a new chapter was just released and it's my longest chapter in the book yet.

thank you if you actually sat through my last two updates, i'm so excited to get back into this book!

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