43 - promises

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CW: mature content, smut and rough sex


Blood, pain, fear: too much of it.


Only a void.

Hurting more than pain itself.

Everyone was gone.

The loneliness was tearing her apart.

She searched for the light, but there was none to be found.

There was nothing.

Athena's eyes opened in a flash. She was sweating profusely, her head hurt and her face was plastered with streams of tears that were beginning to crust as they dried over her skin.

The room was dark and no one was there but she. Draco had not returned after his departure the night before which undoubtedly bothered her more than it should have.

She shifted up in his bed, cocooning the quilt around her body as she clutched her knees to her chest. She glanced over at the window, acknowledging the slither of light that sliced through the curtains. She wondered what time it was.

Athena sat idly for a moment, revelling in the traumas of her nightmare.

She could not understand them anymore. At first they had been solely surrounding her miscarriage, but now they were different. Worse.

She felt emotionally drained, damaged. Her chest hurt, as if a weight was crushing her lungs. Breathing suddenly required effort.

A while passed before she moved again.

The clothes she had strewn onto the floor before she went to sleep, were folded onto a chair a few meters away from the bed. The bag she had brought with her was placed on top. She stared at the pile in confusion, pondering the sudden relocation.

She'd known Draco had left last night. Though she could not place when and if he had returned. If so, she had obviously been unconscious.

She unwrapped herself from the duvet and went to collect her clothes, pulling them back onto her half exposed body. Once she had changed, she felt incredibly unsatisfied. The shower in her dormitory was practically calling for her.

Before she left the room, she laid his bed with the flick of her wand, to how it had been before she had entered it and emptied the contents of her bag onto the chair where her clothes had been placed. She folded the jacket and popped the small cubed box on top.

No one she recognised was in the Slytherin common room. There were only a couple of students from the younger years, all who acted indifferently to her presence. She looked towards the grandfather clock which stood proudly amongst the common room, and it had turned out that she missed breakfast.

Luckily, her first lesson of the day was not until just before lunch, so she was in no rush at all.

When she reached Gryffindor Tower, Hermione was the only one of her friends present, sat at a study table with her books sprawled out in front of her.

She had been deep in her concentration but was pulled out of it when she looked up from her work to find Athena had entered. A bemused expression played across her face as her eyebrows furrowed.

"There you are. Why didn't you come to breakfast? We waited for quite some time but you didn't arrive," she complained.

"I overslept," Athena replied, indifferently.

"Did Cedric not find it fit to wake you? I mean he was in the Great Hall," Hermione ranted.

"I guess not," she sighed. She was not sure how much longer she could hide it from Hermione and the others that she and Cedric were not together. It was inevitable they would find out eventually. It was just a matter of when and how.

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