welcome to hell Elaine! Part 3

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name key

Seraphina - alarm clock

Isen - stalker

Blyke -  Goku

John - ʎɐpsǝn┴

Arlo - A stupid idiot who is also a big stalker and a totally big jerk

Remi-portable charger


alarm clock is online

alarm clock: can I invite Elaine?

portable charger: yeah!

alarm clock invited Elaine to the chat

Elaine has accepted the invite

Elaine: HI!

ʎɐpsǝn┴: hullo - John

stalker: eeyyyy - Isen

Goku: yo - Blyke

portable charger: hiya- Remi

alarm clock: hey - Seraphina

Elaine: I love the names

ʎɐpsǝn┴: I named everyone and they have to keep it for 24 hours, Sera named me

Elaine: is Arlo here?

stalker: why do you want to know (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Elaine: is he!???

ʎɐpsǝn┴: He just doesn't want to type so you won't see the name I gave him

A stupid idiot who is also a big stalker and a totally big jerk: she would have found out anyways

Elaine: oh god...

ʎɐpsǝn┴: I'm giving you a name!

Elaine: god please no I'm scared 

John named Elaine: bandaid

bandaid: I kinda like it actually


A stupid idiot who is also a big stalker and a totally big jerk: I don't care

stalker: how did you even become a royal?

ʎɐpsǝn┴: he's a royal pain in the butt XD

portable charger: but seriously! It's getting very physical! John, can you help me break it up?

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