Episode 11, Gipsy Danger vs Leatherback and Otachi.

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Rey: Gey Ready Noah, this is for real!

Noah: Right!

Rey,Noah: Let's do this!

Leatherback: GRAAAAAEEEEEOO!!!

Leatherback charger towards Gipsy Danger.

Gipsy Danger circles Leatherback and grabs Leatherback organic EMP and begins to tear it off while holding back Leatherback.


Gipsy Danger manage to tear off Leatherback organic EMP.

Leatherback: GRAAAAAEEEEEOO!!!

Leatherback bear hugs Gipsy Danger, swings Gipsy Danger around and throws it into the air.

Leatherback bear hugs Gipsy Danger, swings Gipsy Danger around and throws it into the air

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As Gipsy Danger crash landed on Hong Kong harbor. And somehow able to withstand the fall.

Rey: You okay?

Noah: Yeah.

Leatherback came on out the water and roars at the night raining sky.

Leatherback: GRAAAAAEEEEEOO!!!

Leatherback begin to charge towards Gipsy Danger.

Rey: Come on, let's do this! Together!

Gipsy Danger begin to charge towards Leatherback, leaps and hit Leatherback on top of the head.

Gipsy Danger grabs Leatherback by the top of it's face, left hook punch Leatherback and uppercut it

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Gipsy Danger grabs Leatherback by the top of it's face, left hook punch Leatherback and uppercut it.

Gipsy Danger grabs Leatherback by the top of it's face, left hook punch Leatherback and uppercut it

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