Chapter 8

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Sorry I'm late today guys, I was on a cute date. :3



"Maybe we should give them a show." Levi couldn't breathe as Erwin's hand closed around his and he slid from the stool. Erwin took the half step between them and came so close to Levi's face he could taste his breath. Then Erwin stopped, lips an inch from Levi's and Levi couldn't take it anymore. He wrapped his free arm around the man's shoulders and felt Erwin's hand in his hair and Levi met his lips.

Erwin tasted bitter, of the alcohol he had just drank and the countless cigarettes he had smoked over the years, the flavor embedded in his mouth. Levi didn't care if it was the alcohol telling Erwin to kiss him. The fact was, he had kissed him. He was kissing him. Had Levi been anywhere but absorbed in that moment, he would have heard Nile gasp. Or Petra squeal. But he was so completely taken with the man whose hand had let go of his and was now placed on his waist, that he heard none of it. All he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. All he could see was the darkness of his eyelids. All he could taste was Erwin's mouth.

Then Erwin gently pulled away and Levi found himself chasing Erwin's lips, desperate for the moment to last. Erwin chuckled and Levi's eyes opened, gazing upon the man. Was it possible for him to have gotten even more handsome? Because Levi was sure he had.

"What are we doing?" Erwin chuckled, his arms falling to his side. Levi released him. "I met you, what? Monday? And here I am kissing you."

"People kiss a lot sooner than six days." Levi said, slightly out of breath.

"You're my student." Erwin whispered.

"It's not that unusual." Levi countered. Erwin placed a loving hand on Levi's cheek. Levi wanted to say it. He wanted to tell Erwin how much he had missed him. How much he loved him... Erwin glanced at the table full of eyes locked on them. He rolled his own eyes.

"Would you care to step outside?" Levi nodded. They finished their drinks and went through the back door again. The door hadn't even closed behind them before Erwin had Levi pinned to the wall, the jacket falling to the ground. Their drunken eyes locked on to each other and Erwin descended upon him, kissing his lips, his cheeks, his neck. Levi felt fat tears roll down his cheeks. Finally, he and Erwin could have a life together. One where they weren't facing death every day.

"Levi?" Erwin pulled back from the sobbing man. "Levi, are you okay? I'm sorry. I pushed you too far."

"No." Levi choked. "No. I just..." Levi looked into Erwin's beautiful blue eyes. "I missed you." He whispered before embracing the man. Erwin froze for a moment before hugging Levi back.

"It's strange." Erwin said into Levi's neck, his breath tickling the hair there. "I feel like I've known you for so long." Erwin took a deep breath and pulled back. He grabbed his phone.

"Could I get your number?" He asked. Levi smiled and took the phone, typing out his number and shooting himself a text.

"Here." Levi gave him back the phone after his went off. He had to make sure he typed it in right in his drunken state. "Just make sure you text me." Levi winked.

"Of course." Erwin smiled, cupping Levi's cheek and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Levi leaned into the kiss, savoring it.

"I guess I'll have to take you on a real date, huh?" Erwin said.

Levi smiled. "I guess you will." Erwin leaned down and picked up his jacket, placing it around Levi again.

"Let's get back." Erwin said. Levi nodded and led the way back inside. All eyes were on them immediately. Levi flashed a smile at them as he sat.

"Congrats, kid." Nile whispered as Erwin took his seat.

Levi allowed his thoughts to travel and Erwin placed an arm around the back of his chair. If everything worked out, maybe Erwin not remembering was for the best. Yes, Levi wanted him to remember their love in the other life, but he didn't want Erwin to be plagued by the guilt he had carried then. Levi looked at Erwin who smiled down at him. Yes, maybe it was for the best.

The rest if the night sailed by, full of smiling and laughter. When the bar tender told them they were closing in half an hour, they all got up and headed out of the now mostly empty bar. Erwin kissed Levi good night, told him to keep the jacket, and they parted ways, the memory of Erwin's lips still fresh in Levi's mind.


Erwin woke the next morning with a slight headache. He drug himself from bed and swallowed a few Tylenol before heading to the kitchen. As he opened the refrigerator last night's events hit him. His eyes grew wide and he closed the door. He had kissed Levi... a lot. And he had enjoyed it.

"Shit." Erwin sat down hard on the couch and buried his face in his hands. He didn't exactly regret it, in fact just the thought of the small man's soft lips got him more excited than he would ever admit but... Erwin cursed himself. He hardly knew him, and to top it all off, Levi was his student! Erwin frowned. He needed to sort this out.

Standing, Erwin began pacing the floor. Yes, he enjoyed last night, but it was wildly unprofessional. Would he have done the same thing sober? He wasn't sure. Erwin sighed. He needed to talk to Levi. He wanted a relationship with him, but Erwin's demons were flooding his mind and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. What would Levi do when he found out? Would he leave him? What did Levi expect from their relationship?

Besides, Erwin wasn't even gay! Yes, he had kissed Levi, but was that really what he wanted? Could he be in a relationship with a man? Especially after... Erwin shook his head. He didn't need to think about that now. He pulled out his phone and texted Levi.

Erwin: hey, we need to talk. Could you come to my house?

The reply was almost immediate.

Levi: sure thing. When?

Erwin: whenever's fine.

Levi: I'll be there at 1.

Erwin looked at the clock on his phone. It was already noon. He sighed and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. His "quick" shower turned out to be forty-five minutes. Lost in his own thoughts, Erwin hadn't realized how long he had been in there. He got dressed and ran to the living room, frantically picking up old beer bottles and dishes. The sink was full so he stacked the dirty dishes beside it. The house still looked a mess when he heard the knock.

"Dammit." Erwin tossed the towel around his head into the bathroom and opened the door. Levi stood on his porch, looking too beautiful to be real. Erwin chastised himself silently.

"Hey, Levi." He said, opening the door wider for Levi to come through.

"Hey." Levi stepped in and looked around. "Your house is nice." He said. Erwin laughed.

"A bit messy I'm afraid." He said.

"Yeah, but that's okay." Levi said, for once not concerned with the state of a room before he walked in.

"Have a seat." Erwin motioned to the couch and Levi sat down. Erwin sat in the plush chair beside him.

"What did you want to talk about?" Levi asked. Erwin took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry about last night." He said. Levi tilted his head.

"Why's that?" Levi asked.

"Levi, listen..." Erwin hesitated. "I'm not gay." He said blatantly. Levi chuckled.

"But last night-" Levi began.

"I'm sorry I lead you on." Erwin said. Levi furrowed his brow. "I think we need to end this."

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