54. The Way You Look At Me...

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Arianna's P.O.V

Aiden and I have been officially dating for more than a month now. Firstly in the beginning, it was a little awkward for me.

Wait who am I kidding, it was so fucking awkward!

Over that Noah made it even more weird with his constant teasing and side smirks and wiggling eyebrows.

If I see him wiggle his eyebrows like one more time, I can't promise what will happen with them and my knife strapped inside my bag.

Sienna was a whole different topic by the way. I can't remember who squealed louder when Noah told her about us; Sienna or Noah himself.

I remember her jumping up and down as she made me promise her to tell her everything. Whereas when she asked about the time when we confessed, Noah laughed awkwardly as he pulled away his girlfriend leaving Aiden and me to laugh at him.

Seems like almost everyone in the college knew Aiden and I would get together except me. Sienna claimed to see a spark when she first saw the two of us together.

When she first saw us, we both were almost at each others throats.

So sparks my ass.

Aiden surprisingly is totally unpredictable. He is actually like those cliché super loving boyfriends. We both are spending a lot of time together but yet I don't feel like he is invading my privacy.

Like a few days ago, I as always walked out for lunch to sit under the tree. I, of course expected him to sit inside with Noah. But when I looked, he was there with his cute grin and his lunch in his hands. 

We spent the whole lunch together, sometimes in silence while laughing or bickering the rest of the time. He was not really excited about hearing Shawn Mendes but he still sat there listening to it, but complaining constantly.

But I think I heard him hum along with the song at some point.

Also yesterday, he took me to an old ice cream parlor across town, along the countryside. It was something so beautiful, something I had never seen in the bustling city life. He said he brought me there since it reminded him a bit about his own place, his home.

He also opened up a lot more about his dad. I know it is a very sore spot for him but he still shared it with me. His exact words were, "If I can know my girlfriend is a mafia badass leader, then she can know who my son-of-a-bitch father was!"    

I still remember lying on the grass as Aiden had his head placed on my lap while I stroked his hair with my ice cream in my other hand, just staring at the sunset.

Even the smallest things are so memorable with him.

I walked to my locker, a smile plastered on my face, thinking about all this. As I shut the door, I suddenly felt two arms wrap themselves around my waist and place a kiss against the crook of my neck, burying his head in there.

"Guess who?" Aiden whispered gruffly, his hot breath hitting my cheeks.

"Noah?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Try again." 

"Marcus?" I teased as his hands got tighter around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Not before I don't break his legs." He whispered as I chuckled at his possessiveness.

"Then Liam?" I said as he sighed loudly.

"Now you are actually naming random people princess." He said as I could feel him smile against me.

"How about a hint?" I asked cutely.

"He is extremely hot, has the most handsome features and the best boyfriend in the world." He said as I rolled my eyes.

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