Chapter 30: And the Crowd Goes

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I can feel the eyes on me as I grab Yaya by the hand, tugging her toward the little dance floor we'd created with duct tape and a few old comforters over memory foam mats. A small cheer echoes over the little group of us the second I lean into her opening arms. "Me preparaste esto." (You set this up for me) I outstretch my arm, putting space between our bodies on beat. My arm holding her hands still, lifts and twirls her around before bringing our bodies back.

"No. Tu nieto y tu hija lo hicieron. Sólo era un ayudante." (Your grandson and your daughter did. I was just a helper.) She tilts her head back at my 'admission' and raises her eyebrow.

Our feet move in sync with one another to the beat of the music and I move my gaze down to watch us as my hips move side to side. "Te vendes corto. Además, conozco a Miguel. No tiene idea de cómo hacer una fiesta. Especialmente no para una anciana." (You sell yourself short. Besides, I know Miguel. He has no clue how to throw a party. Especially not one for an old lady.) Her words end in a laugh and I grin at her tease, telling her she isn't old. Her heart is much more youthful than mine at this point. My eyes lift, both of us spinning around so I'm facing Miguel. He's clapping along to the music, cheering us on before his eyes shift to the right.

I shift my gaze to follow his, finding Sensei Lawrence holding Carmen around her waist and her arms around his neck. Her eyes are shifted upward, solely staring into his blue eyes and his into her. A glimmer shines in his eyes, his features softening as they are colored by the awe he indulges in when he spins her around. Her hips move lightly side to side, tamed even though I know pretty well that she can move those hips. Her turn is slow, purposely so as her eyes draw over him throughout the entire movement. They're both completely captivated by one another. "Finally!" I mumble beneath my breath.

There's a silence that falls between Yaya and I, so I place my gaze back upon her. "Hay otro emparejamiento que estoy esperando." (There's another pairing I'm waiting for.) Furrowing in confusion, my eyebrows crease in the center. She moves her gaze to somewhere behind me and by the gleam of her brown irises, I know who she's looking at. The thought of how he was and how he has been flits through my head. Warmth rises in my body and colors my burning cheeks.

"Creo que es mi turno para mi baile prometido." (I believe it's my turn for my promised dance.) Miguel interjects, his sudden appearance slowing my absent-minded pace of movement. "Sorry Yaya." She releases my hands but holds my gaze for a moment to ensure I see the direction her head subtly nods in. I glance to the side, desperate to look anywhere but her and the source of her hinted words. Yaya begins to walk in a differing direction when Sam intercepts her and takes her hands.

Returning to the present at the warmth of another's grasp on my hands, my head turns back to Miguel. His eyes slowly draw away from the vision of his grandmother and unofficial girlfriend dancing with one another. "Thank you for saving me." I joke, completely gaining his attention back.

His lips tug at the corners and his head bounces. "I know how Yaya can be. And I happen to know what Yaya thinks." His confession warns my cheeks once more. Everyone really does know about my affections for Eli. Don't they?

My head leans against his shoulder in annoyance at the knowledge he holds. A laugh rumbles through his chest at my action and one hand moves to the center of my back, running up and down it to jokingly comfort me. A soft groan escapes my lips in frustration. "Does Eli know?" I genuinely question, lifting my head from his shoulder.

He shrugs, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist. His left moves forward, right where mine would be had I not moved it back in sync with his. "But I do know you're oblivious to him." I raise my eyebrows and his head tilts back in aggravation, managing to keep his pace of dance. His eyes return to my face, reading my expression rather closely. "Dios me ayude con esta chica." (Lord help me with this girl.) He mumbles beneath his breath. My right hand lightly presses against his shoulder and shoves it. "He loves you, Zel."

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