Chapter 10

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I woke next to Kane. Austin was gone. I quietly creeped out of my room, careful to not wake Kane.  As soon as I stepped out of the door I ran into Austin.
"Hey," his voice was raspy from sleep. "Where are you going?"
"Trying to find you," I replied. He smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead.
"Come on, lets go sit in the living room and let Kane sleep awhile. He doesn't sleep good much anymore."
"Why?" I asked.
"He's always has spells of insomnia. It always helps when someone goes to sleep with him though."
He headed toward the living room but I changed direction and headed for the kitchen. I'm gonna make pancakes.
I felt arms wrap around my waist. "No, come sit with me." His voice had become whiny. I giggled.
"Austin, I'm gonna make pancakes. You can help if you want."
He let me go and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the kitchen.
I began getting the supplies I needed and when I bent over to look in the refrigerator, hands snaked their way onto my waist and I felt all of Austin's manhood press against me. I gasped and shot up really fast. Instead of coming straight up like I thought I would, I hit my head on the top of the refrigerator.
I groaned and held the back of my head.
Austin let out a belly rolling laugh. I turned on him, playfully glaring, and pointed my finger at him.
"Stop laughing. This is your fault and you will pay for this."
He continued laughing.
Between gasps he began to speak. "Are you-" gasp, "okay?"
"I'm fine." I turned away from him and started on the pancakes.
As soon as the pancake mix was in the bowl, Austin leaned over and threw a glob of sticky pancake on my face. I wiped it off and chuckled, evilly.
"Oh, you will pay now." I picked up the bowl and began throwing glob after glob onto his face and his chest. He scraped it off of him and began throwing it back at me. Soon enough the whole kitchen is covered in pancake mix.
"What the-" Kane walked into the kitchen. He looked at me and then Austin.
"You know, I always thought I was considered the child between the two of us."
I laughed out loud. While I wasn't paying attention, Kane had picked up a glob from off the counter and chunked it at me. It hit me square in my forehead.
"It is on!" I yelled.
After we cleaned the kitchen, the guys got ready and headed out.
I sat cross legged on my couch, looking at bakery magazines.
My phone chimed beside me.
Josh: Hey, Anna. Please consider it. I'm begging you. I wouldn't put you through this situation if it wasn't important to my mom.
Meaning that he never even would have thought about inviting me if his mom wouldn't have asked him to.
My phone chimed again.
Josh: It's going to be at Trinity Church starting at 5 next Friday. Please consider.
I locked my phone and placed it face down on the table. When it chimed for a third time, I groaned.
"Just leave it alone Josh."
When I turned my phone over, I saw a message from Austin.
Austin: Come downstairs.
Me: Why so, Mr. Carter?
Austin: Thin ice, Annabelle. Thin ice.
I grinned and jumped off the couch. As I made my way down the stairs, I began to get nervous. What is so important that I had to come downstairs? Why didn't he just come up to my apartment?
I saw Austin standing outside the glass doors, staring out at the street.
"Austin?" I called. He turned and his bright smile made me a little disoriented.
"Hey, there she is." Kane came into view and I smiled at him.
"I thought you two were supposed to be working. On my paperwork for my cafe, might I add."
"To be completely honest with you, we never made it to work." Austin smiled.
I scowled at him. "Why?"
"This is why?" Kane said turning his body and gesturing toward the street.
Suddenly a pearl white Audi A3 pulled onto my street before making a stop right in front of us.
I gasped. "What is this?"
"A car of your very own. You are about to start a business and there is no telling where you will need to go and when, so we wanted to make it slightly easier on you."
"I love it. Oh my-" I stopped. "I can't take this," I said turning toward them.
Kane smiled at Austin.
"We thought you might say that," Austin began.
"So we got help." Kane gestured toward the car again, where the driver jumped out.
"Calli?" I yelled. "Why did you let them do this?"
"Shit, I helped pick it out." She laughed. Calli stood next to Kane. I stopped breathing for a second.
"Anna, you okay?" She asked. I stared at the two of them. Austin placed a hand on my cheek and pulled my eyes to him.
"Oh my God," I whispered. I began to make the connection. She lived in the same area as me. She was adopted. Calli is Caroline. Caroline, their sister, who was adopted because her mother gave her away.
"Oh my God," I whispered again.
"Anna, talk to me. What's going on?"
"She's your sister," I whispered.
Austin looked stunned. "What?"
"Calli, she is Caroline."
"What?" She asked.
"Anna, I think we need to get you inside and lay you down."
"No, Austin. Just look. Look at her. Look at Kane. Their features."
He looked back at the two of them, standing side by side, extremely confused.
"Oh my God," he said. "You're right."
"Calli," I began. "You know how you were adopted?"
"I know who your biological family is."
She put her hand up to her mouth and looked at Kane.
"No," she whispered.
"Cal, I'm so sorry."
"Sorry?" She laughed. "This is awesome! I have two rich, amazing big brothers. Why would I be upset?"
I smiled at her and then up at Austin, who was staring at me with a look in his eye that I couldn't quite figure out.
I looked back at Calli when I heard her squeal. Kane had picked her up and spun her around in his arms.
"God, do you know how long we've been looking for you? And you've been here the whole damn time!"
I still felt Austin's stare on me. I looked at him.
"What?" I whispered.
"Thank you," he said.
"I didn't do anything," I said.
"You found her. Without even trying, you found her." With that he smiled at me and walked to Cal and hugged her tight.
I smiled to myself. Everything felt perfect. Little did I know, devastation was about to hit.

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