Chapter X

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The adrenaline acted as her painkiller, she felt nothing except for the earth beneath her running limbs. Her lungs screamed for her to slow down but she couldn't , her system was shaken to the extreme and she couldn't stop. She was running until her body was empty, until her body forced her to stop. Korra had no idea where she was going, she let the adrenaline guide her through a forest that seemed familiar.  She hurdled over the boulders that got in her way and smacked the branches of the trees away from her face. Her thoughts were going berserk around her head. She didn't know what to feel about what happened with Kuvira. They had been so close for all these years and she had the moxie to make a deal with Zaheer after everything he had done. Moreover, she had saved her own skin . Korra feels like she should be glad that her friend was safe and unharmed but, deep down she felt like Kuvira had stabbed her in the back. If Korra was in her position , she would've done everything she could to save her bestfrined ; she would've let Amon brand her twice over if it came to it . What Kuvira had done was the complete opposite. She had let Zaheer take her in order to keep herself safe.

Her eyelids became heavy as her pace begun to slow down. Her eyesight blurred and her thoughts cleared. Everything became fuzzy until she saw nothing at all . Her consciousness was floating through an empty space filled with a thick static. Throughout the inky space her heartbeats pounded loudly, echoing in her ears like drums as her limbs halted. Her eyelids slowly closed and all was darkness.


Asami scribbled into her diary like she always did but this time, she didn't have much to write about so , instead she had ended up sketching a small flower into the corner of her page. She was never good at drawing these types of things, it was mainly machines and devices that she was good at sketching; just like her father was. Her mother on the other hand , she was never good with sketching or drawing . She was gifted with the talent of Music . Sometimes she could hear the beautiful sound of their grand piano echoing through the halls of their Manor , and everyone knew Yasuko was playing it . Each note had a gentle tone to it, Asami didn't know how to describe it but her mother's ability was different to other musicians. She felt her smile leave her lips as the sense of loneliness dwelled over her. She placed her pen down onto her desk and twisted her body so she faced her door .

"Mako?" She called but immediately slapped her forehead gently when she realised that she let Mako off for the night. Her door opened slightly and a different voice replied to her.

"It's Bolin. Is everything okay?" He asked innocently.

"Yes I'm sorry Bolin, I forgot that I let Mako off." Asami chuckled, closing her diary.
"You can come in if you'd like."
The door slowly opened and Bolin stepped in, however his eyes were slightly puffy and red. Was he crying?
"Bolin? are you alright?"
The man nodded but he couldn't help but sniffle as a tear rolled down each cheek. Asami lept into action and pulled the upset soldier into her embrace, she didn't know Bolin that well but he was her guard; she wanted him to feel comfortable.
"Why are you crying ?"

"Miss Sato, I'm but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation that you shared with Opal earlier." Bolin melted into her embrace, letting a few tears leak onto her cotton jumper.

Asami sighed, the poor man was heartbroken.
"Let's sit down and talk about it alright?" She motioned to her writing desk and he obliged.

"That lady she mentioned. The lady from the market." He begun, wiping his tears away with the cuffs of his uniform.
"Opal spoke so highly of her and she had only met her once. I've never heard her talk about me like that before and we've known each other for a while . Am I doing something wrong?"

Asami shook her head, she was going to have a serious talk with Opal about this tomorrow .
"No you're not. Opal doesn't know what she wants."

Bolin's tears had dried up at this point. He let out a shakey breath.
"But I try so hard for her."

"I know , I know." Asami replied, stroking his back gently .
"I'm just going to be honest with you Bolin. You are a great guy, I dont need to know you personally to see that. You really make her happy and it's clear that she makes you happy too."
Bolin listened to the beautiful lady that stood infront of him, he looked up to her with his teary eyes.
"Do you love her ?"

Bolin didn't hesitate and he spoke from the heart .
"Of course I do ."

"Then just give her some time. The lady she spoke of is just a stranger from the market, she'll soon realise that. Let her come to you." Asami was never good at being a matchmaker and it really pained her that her friend had completely broken this poor boys heart to pieces. Bolin couldn't help but pull the girl into another embrace, the dark haired woman smiled and gladly wrapped her arms around him .
"Did Mako get some rest?" She asked, trying to change the topic.

Bolin pulled away from the embrace and nodded.
"Yeah, he hasn't had much sleep . He's missed countless nights ."

"He's a good Corporal." The woman said, a pink tint appeared at her cheeks. She was the reason Mako wasn't getting any sleep , he had taken extra shifts to make sure she was safe and well .
"And you're a good Lance Corporal. I can talk to my dad about getting you two a promotion."

Bolin was completely dumbfounded.
"I apprieciate your kindness Miss Sato and I'm sure Mako would too." He said.
"But I really dont think that is necessary."

"Oh please, you two do your job better than anyone else could. You deserve it." Asami giggled.
"And you dont have to be so formal . My name is Asami."

This was going to be a long night. Not that they minded .


"I won't be able to visit Grandma Katara with you tomorrow." Tenzin announced, placing his knife and fork together on his plate; signalling that he was finished with his food.
"Mr Sato wants more guards on duty since the increase of appearances of the Red Lotus."

"That's understandable father, I'll let her know." Jinora replied, she took have finished her meal.

"I'll go with Jinora!"

"Ikki, inside voices please." Pema groaned, she could feel a headache approaching.

"You and Meelo are staying with your mother." Tenzin announced, giving his wife's hand a soft squeeze. He could see that she was tired , raising three kids was hard when he wasn't around and it showed .
"She needs some help around the house."

The two children groaned as they left the table, leaving the three of them to talk amongst themselves, in peace.

"I'll have a guard escort you out of town, Jinora." Tenzin said, smiling softly at his daughter. She had requested to stay with her Grandmother Katara for a few days, she needed to get away from the town and away from the whole scuffle with the Red Lotus.

"Thank you father. Will I be leaving tomorrow?" She asked, taking a sip of water out of her cup.

"Yes, in the morning. Is there a certain guard that you'd like me to assign you?" Her father asked, picking up his plate and his wifes and he put it onto the kitchen counter of his home.

Jinora shrugged and passed her father her plate.
"I dont really mind. As long as they aren't rude then I'm happy with any. They're only taking me to the outskirts of town."

Tenzin took a mental note of that and begun to wash up the plates in the sink.
"Very well, I'll have them prepared for you in the morning."

"Thank you father."
She said with a smile. Jinora really needed this , she had been shaken up ever since her meeting with Korra by the Lake that day . She thought staying with her Grandma would calm her nerves down a bit. Grandma Katara lived outside of town, it was a beautiful area that was mostly surrounded forest. It was definitely a calming place to be if you wanted to escape for a little while. That's the whole reason why Jinora was going to visit.

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