falling in love with someone you can't have

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so i made a new youtube channel :) the video up above contains songs that truly mean so much to me & i put a lot of my heart into it. i really do hope you enjoy it. 

You lie down. Surrounded by the beautiful scents of wildflowers and lavender. Surrounded by the warm shining sun, soaking up the sweet summer air. Surrounded by them. The one you love. So much. Their soul consumes you. Oh love. How beautiful a feeling.

They lie next to you. Those gorgeous eyes you've come to love and that smile that never fails to make your lips upturn too. They put a flower in your hair, placing it so gently, as if you could break any second. As if this world could. You want to be with them forever. Feel like this forever.

 But alas, everything ends. And so you lie down.

And when you open them they've gone. The sweet summer air replaced by a heavy patter of rain. The crowds so grey, the flowers wilted.

Leaving you alone. So alone. Leaving you wondering why they left you, tormenting yourself by blaming you for them going. Leaving you wondering if they were a dream, or if you had just imagined it. But if it were in your head what a feeling that was. How real was your heartbeat, that feeling of love and home. What a feeling. 

And so you cry. As the rain falls more heavily on your face, becoming one with your tears. As the wildflowers lose the colour in which they were so bright. As the day turns into night and all you're left with is the stars and your own soul, your own thoughts.

Because they've gone. How could you ever be happy now.

But although they've left you still remember that feeling. That beautiful, wonderful feeling that made you feel so alive, so happy. And slowly your tears stop falling and it's just the rain dripping down your face. Slowly you outstretch your arms, closing your eyes. Slowly you start to breathe, feeling your heart beat again. So loud.

Without them.

And as you dance in the rain you laugh even though you're still in so much pain. Picking up the dropped flowers you smile even though it still hurts so much. You succumb to the world and scream and feel yourself crying again but this time it hurts less. This time you feel more free.

And so you walk, and lie down. In the same spot. Surrounded by the wildflowers, the weather, the sweet air. And each time it hurts a little less. You lie there, any time you feel like it. Sometimes with company, sometimes alone. Because you still remember that feeling in your heart. 

And while they're gone that will always remain.

Love. What a feeling.

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