Chapter 71 Kuoh/ The Beauty Six

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*Japan, Kuoh Town*

"We got everyone here

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"We got everyone here." the male starts.

"And we need to stay focus

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"And we need to stay focus." the male continues.

"Each of us are important

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"Each of us are important. We give our lives to protect the people around the world." the male says.

"And you are aware

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"And you are aware. We have another Alpha threat. So keep in mind, do not go out on your own." the female says.

"YES MA'AM." they shout.

"Good. As for the mission we been assigned. Apparently, there have been sightings of six people killing innocent lives for fun. We are to stop them and capture them. Is that clear?" the man asks.

"YES!" they shout.

"Good. We leave in five." the man says.

*Park, 15 minutes later.*

"Issei. There's nothing out of the ordinary." the female says.

"I know Asia. But we have to be sure. Who knows when these people could pop out." Issei says.

"Oh? You happen to mean us?" a female says.

The two ready themselves as the see six females.

A/N: This is one of my drawings! I own this picture

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A/N: This is one of my drawings! I own this picture. Don't hate my drawings :o

"Are you the ones who been killing innocent people?" Issei asks.

"Innocent people?" the female questions.

The girls laugh. Asia and Issei looked confused.

"If you call those rapists, murders, psychopaths, and drug lords innocent people than you are so corrupted." the female say.

"But the teacher that goes to Kuoh Academy was a good man." Asia says.

"Oh you foolish little girl. That man was a convicted serial killer and rapist." the third female says.

"If can't even notice what kind of people they are, then you basically allowed them to continue what they do." the second female says.

"Then how come we never knew?" Issei asks.

"Because you idiots operate in the open. Allowing them to slip pass you. It's no wonder you fools can never stop the threats that await you." the fourth female says.

"And are you going to try to kill us?" Asia asks.

"Oh no. We have much better things to do instead of wasting time on weaklings like you." the fifth female says.

"You take that back! You may be girls but I won't hold back if you keep taunting us." Issei says.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" the sixth female asks.

"You'll see." Issei eyes glow.

Issei fires a energy blast at the females. The third female reveals purple wings and blocks the attack.

"You attacks won't work." the third female says.

"Then allow us to fight you." the man says.

The group appears and surrounds the six females.

"Who are you?" the red hair female asks.

"We are consider as the beauty six." the female says.

"And we already finished our task here." the second female says.

"And I believe it us time for us to go." the fourth female says.

"Your not going anywhere. Not until you answer some questions." the man says.

"I don't think so." the sixth female says.

The fourth and five female speed around the group, knocking them to the ground. The third female carries the sixth female and flies away. The speedsters hold the remaining two and speed away. The group gets up.

"Damn. They got away." Issei says as he rubs his head.

"Speedsters. And not the good ones." the man sighs.

"What should we do?" the female with white hair asks.

"For now. I'll report this to LA HQ. I'm sure they would like to know about this. Rossweisse, do we have anything planned for the week?" the male asks.

"Only the meeting with Supreme Five." Rossweisse says.

"I see. You kids go and begin training. Seems like we are gonna need it if we ever encounter those females again." the man says.


"I see. it doesn't matter. Don't pay attention to those fools. Return to LA and we'll be going from there. is that understood?" the male asks on the phone.

"Yes." the female replies.

"Good." the male ends the call.

The six female look at each other and nod.


The Beauty Six

Members: 6

Notes: From the report from Azazel, six females who they called themselves "The Beauty Six" were seen in Kuoh Park. Apparently, two of the females were speedsters and the other one had wings like a "Angel". It is still early to determine the threat level they truly are. So in the meantime, they'll be a Threat Level C.

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