Chapter 13: Put Up a Middle Finger To The Sky

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   song: "Rock and Roll" By Avril Lavigne


       I pushed through the front of the center and walked passed Lucy and headed to the stairs to my room. "Long work day?" she asked. "I think imma smell like syrup and coffee for weeks" I said groaning a I walked up the steps. I got in my room and closed the door behind me. I put my bag down and checked my phone. I had a text from Hawk and I read it as I took off my makeup.


h: baby let me know when you are home from work so I can come over

y/n: I just did and imma get a shower plus its passed visiting time:(.

h: so?

y/n: You cant sign in? wdym so?

h: Is there a ladder anywhere outside

y/n: yeah but hawk you cant sneak in, you get caught im dead

h: ill be by in 20 babe;)

y/n: Hawk no there is tomorrow

y/n: hawk listen

y/n: im not getting anywhere am I

h: nope

   I huffed out air knowing he was just joking, but ill admit I wish he was able to sneak in or something because after today I just wanted to talk and watch movies together. I felt bad after what happened between him and Miguel, but what Miguel said wasn't far from the truth.

    After my hot shower I got back to my room and changed into grey sweat pants and a black top that was super soft. I braided my hair, put on lotion and chapstick and climbed into bed. I texted Hawk goodnight hoping for some response before I fell asleep. I snuggled up with my pillow and wrapped myself up and closed my eyes.

   As I felt my body get heavy along with my eyelids I knew it wouldn't be long before I fell asleep. That was until i noise came from a window and my eyes shot open. Like a little dink  type noise nothing major enough to make me roll over and look. But the noise was persistent and happened again but I little louder by something heavier.

   I got out of my warm covers and  walked up stood And stood infront of my window. I slowly opened my curtains to reveal my boyfriend standing outside my window with pink roses in a bunch with a smile and I just started at him with my eyes wide in shock. I saw him pull out his phone click a few buttons before putting it up with his ear.

My phone buzzed on my bedside table and I picked it up quickly and answered. "Is this supposed to be like those 80's movies" I said quietly smiling. "Should I go get a boom box and play 'Time After Time' by Cyndi Lauper" he joked and smiled. "So can I come up?" He lightly smirked and said in a tone that was pleading . "And what on earth do you think is gonna happen huh" i said raising an eyebrow. "I wanna talk and give you your flowers, and maybe cuddle" he said smirk.

    I looked around my room. "One sec" I said I put my phone down and peaked out my door everyone was in there room or gone for the night. I closed my door and locked it before getting back to my phone. "Your lucky.Get your ass up here" I smiled and we hung up and he stuffed his phone in his pocket.

     I saw he had gotten the ladder that the landscaper used which had been stored on the side of the building. I heard the ladder clank on the side of the wall so I unlocked the window and opened it. I stepped back and crossed my arms as the cool breeze rushed in. When he finally got in I quickly closed the window. "God its colder then a witches tit out-" I was cut off when I turned around by his lips and hands on each side of my face. We both smiled in the kiss as I loosened up and wrapped my arms around him. We both pulled away smiling. "I flicked my eyes don at the bag that was hanging from his shoulder. 'What's this for?" I sked picking at the bag. he placed it on my bed. "Open it, there for you" he smirked then put his hands in his sweatpants pockets. I unzipped the bag to see more hoodies and all of my favorite snacks. "Hawk you didn't h-" he cut me off and sat with me on my bed. "Babe you haven't been eating much and I know you said you how you feel safe in my clothes so I thought if I brought you some and your favorite foods you'd eat." he said looking don at the bag. "why haven't you been eating hun" he asked grabbing my hand."Does it have to do with what Miguel said?" he asked again.

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