Chapter 18: Back Again

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A week later, I went up to her locker as she was taking her books out. As soon as her hand was out, I slammed the locker shut, startling her, she glared at me, "What the hell?!"

I smirked, "What? I just wanted to say hi. Hi."

"Hi Autumn," she sighed as she shifted her books in her arm.

"So, you're a changed woman," I said.


"So, if you're a changed woman, then why is my name in your mouth saying that you want to fight me?" I lied.

"What the hell are you talking about??" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"You want to fight me, so I'm in your face, what you gonna do?"

She sighed, "Autumn, I'm not gonna fight you, I told you this many times, I've changed, I'm not that person anymore."

She still tried to pull this act on me even though I knew it was fake. The more she said it, the more it made me want to smack the shit out of her.

I threw my head back in laugher and quickly turned serious, "Ha! Are you serious? Do you think I'm stupid, Scarlet? I hope you realize who you're dealing with."

"I know."

"You must not because you act like I was born last night, you know I can make your life a living hell."

"You already have," she snapped.

"You were the one that pushed him off the roof, not me," I said.

She sneered, "Whatever." She stormed off, but I grabbed her arm.

"Remember Scarlet, I know you."

She glanced down at me holding her arm and sighed, "It is what it is."

I let go of her and walked off. I went upstairs and noticed some people staring at me and heard whispers, "She's fine as hell." "Her old friend came back and she looked like she was gonna smack the criminal out of her." I saw Callie and Dean making out and Kevin on the far side of the hallway. I noticed Lauren Seas getting her books from her locker and thought, 'Good, she'll definitely take credit.'

I went up to a random girl that was by her locker, "Someone told me that Callie is still seeing Dean, even though she's talking to Kevin."

She gasped and went to the nearest group of people. Minutes later, Callie and Dean started arguing and she turned to the people staring at them, "Who the hell said I'm screwing Kevin?!"

As if on cue, Lauren yelled, "I did, bitch!"

Callie whipped her head in her direction and seethed, "You stay starting shit, you tired sasquatch!"

"I don't know about you, but bitch, I shave."

"I don't know why you're lying Callie, you know we fucked," Kevin said as he walked up to her.

"Excuse you?? Kevin, we never even touched each other."

"Aye, I know you were fucking with Irina, but it doesn't mean you were with Callie," Dean said he got in between them.

"Callie, you're a hoe!" Lauren yelled. Callie ran up on her and they fell on the floor. Lauren landed many punches in her face as Callie continued to scratch her.

When Dean was about to break them up, Kevin swung at him, but missed by a few inches. They started to tussle, Dean picked him up and threw him on the floor. The crowd went wild as they witnessed the scene that was going on in front of them.

"Ayeee, they swinging!!" Someone yelled.

All four of them were finally broken up when Lauren snatched a track of brown hair off Callie head, leaving her with her mouth hung open and the students to roar with laughter and gasps.

They were hauled down the hallway and to the office. The crowd dispersed and students were talking about the scene that just took place, "Bruh, Lauren got hands though!" "Kevin's a bitch, he tried to hit him when he wasn't looking."

After school, I went home and called a number and set up an appointment to see someone. It took her a while to accept, but she finally came around and was opened to the idea of seeing me.

I was going to see Jett in jail.

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