So Russia's Democratic?

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America: You're Russian, so you must be a communist!

Leia: ......

Russia: I'm not communist anymore..

Russia: USSR might be but I'm not.

America: What are you then? Socialist?

Russia: Democratic.

Leia: Ooooo! They just tryin to look good. They don't even have to try and lie that well cuz they know Obama a fuckin pussy and won't do shit.

Dad: Putin just making fun of Obama because he know that all that's between Obama's legs is air! *claps* Obama ain't got no balls!

Leia and Dad: Oooooo!!

Dad: Putin gonna fuck that shit up!

Russia and America: ............

Leia: Putin knows the truth!

Dad: He sees everything!

Leia: He is the definition of Illuminati.

Dad: *opens dictionary to random page* It tru

(I love my dad, man.)

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