Neji x TenTen: The Library

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A/N: Sorry I was gone for so long lol. I had a lot of school etc. but I'm gonna try to remember to write again! Also this is literally like my favorite story I've ever written, like I know that it isn't the best grammatically or whatever but I just enjoy the plot line. I hope you enjoy it! - Iki

Neji often read scrolls in his family's library, and he decided today he was going there while recovering from his injuries. After a long mission, his chest had received a lot of damage, but all things considered, he made it out pretty good. Neji hobbled into the massive library, and after grabbing a scroll, he plopped onto the floor. He made himself comfortable and took his time as to not inflame his injuries.






TenTen arrived at the Hyuga manner, and found Neji bent over a scroll. She internally laughed at him, as it was unusal for him to not be on guard, however at the same time she has happy that he was able to relax, even if only for a short while.

"You're going to have awful back problems if you keep sitting like that."

Neji looked up in surprise to see his girlfriend looking down on him with her long hair framing her beautiful face.

"You have your hair down."

"No shit sherlock. I knew you liked it that way so I decided to be nice today."

"Well, it looks very good," Neji replied with a smirk.

"Oh shut it."

TenTen smiled anyways, as she sat down beside him. She leaned her head against his shoulder and peered at the writing.

"What's this about?," she asked curiously.

"Just some old stories about my clan. It's nostalgic for me. My dad used to read them to me before he died."

"Oh..." TenTen fell silent, not knowing what to say.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Neji shifted a little bit.

"Can you put my hair up? It's getting in my face," he asked quietly.

Tenten's face lit up, and a huge grin spread across her face. She yanked his shoulders and pushed him back and forth in excitement.


"Calm down please!" he whispered yelled. "We're in a library, remember?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Neji smiled at her antics before turning his attention back to the scroll. He felt TenTen's fingers gently run through his hair, and skillfully braiding the long strands together. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she finally finished. TenTen grabbed a mirror from who knows where, and brought it in front of Neji.

"You gave me french braids," he said with a pout.

"Yes, I know I did. Also stop pouting it makes you look even cuter then you already are."

Neji just pouted even more. She whacked him on the side of the head.

"I said no more pouting you big baby-"

"Now look who's pouting," he teased.

TenTen didn't reply, but she walked back over towards him and sat in his lap. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

"Please stop hurting yourself so much."

Neji felt tears soaking his bare chest. He let go of the scroll, and held on to her even tighter.

"I don't try to."

"I know, but it makes me so worried. This time you came home with a giant gash across your head and your chest literally torn to shreds. I don't want that to ever happen again."

He fell silent, and looked up at the painted ceiling of the library. He pulled TenTen even closer to him and fell to his back, with her lying on his chest. It hurt, but he wasn't ever going to tell her that. The warmth of her body against him felt heavenly and Neji never wanted to let her go.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you."

~The End~

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