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It's been a month now since I was reborn.

I had to come to terms with it. There was no other way.

I had to, at least for the sake of my mental well being.

So now it's time to investigate.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I?

The last one's just a joke.

Thankfully or not, I'm still human.

And from what I was able to gather, unless these people like to cosplay bigtime, there's no way I'm in Seoul anymore.

I'm not even sure if I'm on earth.

They are definitely not talking in korean.

Funny thing is I can actually understand them talking without any qualms.

So that's one less headache I guess..?

My findings in the past month include my name, family, and location.

My name is Angelica Ashford. Daughter of Count Lorenz Ashford and Countess Rosaline Ashford.

This country I'm in is apparently called Oreo.

I'm not entirely sure about this one. I mean ...... just who in the world would name a country after biscuits.

I would. But unfortunately, no one is asking for my opinions.

I'm just a pitiful baby.

By the way, nobility exists in this world just like in ancient Europe.

My parents are what they call countryside nobles. They do not interfere in politics or involve in anything other than basic socializing. That's why they have that name or so I heard.

I also have a brother who is three years older than me.

I have never seen such a cute lifeform ever. Not even in comics or cartoons like..........never ever. He's the real deal.

His appearance is similar to mine. In fact, both of us have the distinct traits of the Ashford family. That is platinum blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

I like my mother's azure eyes too.

Although it is rare to have green eyes. The Ashfords have a clear and unique crystal shade.

Ah.... Speak of the little devil and he appears.

There he is. The one in boy shorts and an adorable red bow around his neck.

"An-An I bought flowwers for you"

Clive extended a bunch of flowers towards me.

'Awwww' I internally squealed.

I pushed my hands and legs back and forth in order to show my appreciation towards him.

"Gaah huhu hu" Here is some fan service. I gave him my best smile.

I may not have any teeth as of now since I'm a baby. But I know that I'm cute as hell too.

My looks do not fall short to my brother's. It is all thanks to my celebrity-level parents' genes.

My nanny, Anne, makes me stand in front of the mirror whenever she dresses me up. I'm no different from a porcelain doll.

Clive brings me camellia flowers every day without fail.

He's such a cutie pie.

I wanna pinch those chubby cheeks so bad.

And when I tried to reach out for them....

"Don't let her eat them. Put them in the vase"

A gentle yet stern voice told Clive to get the flowers away from me.

I wasn't aiming for the flowers. Well, whatever.

Here's my most favorite person in this world.

Maria Ashford, my grandmother. To be precise, she's my paternal grandmother. Together we are one big happy family.

She used to be in the imperial army and was the commander of her own platoon of knights, the Eagle nights. Cool right!!

Mother showed me a painting of her clad in armor with swords and stuff.

And that's how kids I met my idol.

Grandma left for the capital a day after I was born and came back a week later. It was to get my birth certificate from the temple, which was a standardized practice for children of noble birth.

So the first time I saw her was in a painting.

Aaaaaaaaaaand guess what, I look exactly like her.

Father said that I looked like a mini version of grandmother and got smacked on the head with a book for that comment.

If Grandmother Maria was the absolute last boss of the Ashford family. Then I was the mini-boss.

On the side note, magic exists in this world.

My paternal grandfather Count Ashford was a court mage. The lights here are made from magic. It's kinda like electricity.

So is my nemesis that's floating above my head.

'The butt floater' is what I named it.

It's the kind of toy that they hang on cradles. But this one is making my head spin. It's a collection of plush animal toys woven together.

The one who hung it said it was a collection of animal spirits that inhabited the Empire of Oreo. It was also a charm to keep the nightmare away.

But then again....

Just you wait you floating monstrosity I shall have my revenge.

I tried to reach it as I sucked on my chu chu furiously when a voice rang.

"See what I told you, sister. Angelica loves my gift"

It was Baron Malcolm Howard, my uncle.

'Heh..... So it was you' I glared at him with furious eyes.

This annoying thing was brought by this annoying person.

Though he looks like my mother their personalities are nowhere near. Although they are twins. My mother is elegant and smart whereas this guy is overly friendly and stupid.

"My little niece loves her uncle very much" he said as he tried to pinch my cheeks.

Don't you dare touch me you stupid hooman!!

"Don't you dare touch my granddaughter" My grandmother caught him by the collar and tossed him to the side in a single throw.

Did she just read my mind?

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