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when she finally decided to show up, it was packed full of kids from the fight and apparently miguel had attracted them due to the ass kickinghe gave kyler at least that's what her father told her, she was now standing with demetri and eli as she ...

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when she finally decided to show up,
it was packed full of kids from the
fight and apparently miguel had
attracted them due to the ass kicking
he gave kyler at least that's what her
father told her, she was now standing
with demetri and eli as she saw them
on their phones along with every kid
in the entire dojo.

"why did i let you talk me into this?"
demetri asked eli who was standing
there, still probably upset at her for
the way she reacted when she saw
sam and miguel, she couldn't look
at him, she felt bad.

"this goes against everything i stand
for." demetri complained. again. it
truly was the only thing he did every
since she met him.

"it's like extra gym class for no reason."

"just... give it a try, you saw the fight.
miguel kicked ass." he said as he gave
her a look, he wasn't hiding the fact
that he was upset at her but he would
never say it. he was too shy to say it.

she got the hint and walked away,
taking her normal spot by her dad's
office as he tried to get their attention.

"okay! today we begin..." the sound of
the noisy teens drowning him out, it
was annoying.

"quiet!" he yelled out and everyone
including her jumped and gave him
their undivided attention.

"face front." he demanded which they
obliged and then he began to stalk
them like a predator stalking their prey.

"nice shirt." he complimented demetri,
that shirt was horrid.

"thanks." demetri said nicely.
"i'm joking, it sucks." her dad said,
which made her chuckle if she was
being honest and he looked down.

"word of advice, you got shit for
teeth, don't smile." he said to
another kid, he wasn't wrong but
there are some things you should
keep to yourself and that was one
of them.

"god, i can tell you're a virgin just
from looking at you." he commented
on another kid.

"when i look around this dojo, i
don't see cobra kai material."
and she scoffed. he's the one
to talk.

"i see losers, i see nerds, i see a fat
kid with a funny hat with his tits
popping out." he just had to make
a comment on that making the kid
look down and miguel look at him
and closed his eyes, shaking his head.

"but in my short time as a sensei,
i've also seen some miracles." he
looked at miguel who smiled.

"so, maybe there some hope for
you in the end." he said again.

"but first i need to see where
you're at, so everybody fall in."
as if everyone is supposed to
know what that means, everyone
just stared at him, obviously lost.

"that means line up." he clarified.

everyone huddled together which
made her sigh and look away, she
felt embarrassed.

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