xxvi. property of the halfblood prince

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"I HAVE TO ADMIT, I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA MISS THAT LAST ONE." ron grinned happily. "i hope cormac's not taking it too hard." he turned to hermione. "he's got a bit of a thing for you, hermione. cormac."

hermione and paris both looked up from the paper they were reading together; hermione moving from where she was leant onto paris' shoulder. "he's vile." she frowned.

"only because you and paris are in love with eachother or something. he's an alright bloke."
ron shrugged.

"yeah, and i'm the queen of england." paris snorted. "and we're not in l— whatever." she went back to reading. "hermione would never associate with the likes of such a foul, dis—"

"okay, can we change the subject now?"

paris nodded, before remembering the sheet of parchment in her pocket. "any idea what this means?" she asked, handing the parchment to her friends. she had scribbled down what dumbledore had told her. "i know the man likes to speak in riddles, so i thought it would be wise to write it down, see if it means anything."

"that was really clever of you, paris." hermione smiled, looking proud. the brunette shrugged as the latter read the writing out loud. "in order to find our truths, we must look deep down in ourselves or through the divine minds of others...'"

"that's what i said." paris huffed. "the man's impossible. this is my future on the line, not some stupid game."

"no clue." ron shrugged, looking at the paper.

"if i think of something, i'll let you know." hermione promised. "i know how important this is to you."

"since we're asking questions," harry began. "have you ever heard of this spell, sectumsempra?" he showed them the book.

"no. i haven't!" hermione snapped. "and if you even had a shred of self respect, you'd hand that book in!"

"not bloody likely." ron scoffed. "he's top of the class! even better than you, 'mione. slughorn thinks he's a genius."

CARELESS WHISPER , h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now