The rewards

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AN:Y/N and his group will go to Overlord next which will be in ??????? chapters, and so I ask you are there any OTHER animes you want after the Overlord Arc is over?

Sirzechs:Y/N stop your army they're killing Riser,his peerage and Issei!.

Y/N:You can't order me, remember what I did to you with just 2 abilities?. Then imagine what I could do to you with my ever expanding repertoire of abilities, you know maybe I should use them on your precious son or your wife, and who knows sometimes you'll hear them calling me "Daddy" and "Master Y/N" or maybe I should turn your baby boy into a woman with tits as huge as his mom's with sensitiveness increased to the point that they would cum, with just a mere touch of me-said in a cocky tone.


Y/N:I'll ask how is it asked?


Y/N:Not even close...

Sirzechs:O I PLEAD YOU ALL MIGHTY Y/N  WHO IS BETTER THAN ANYONE AND HAS A BIGGER SIZE THAN ANYONE PLEASE STOP YOUR ARMY THAT'S KILLING RISER,HIS PEERAGE AND ISSEI!-screamed while bowing down which surprised the Devils that saw that, their leader the Strongest Devil Leader bowed to someone and even pleaded,PLEADED to someone.

Y/N:Better. All of you stop-said which made them stop in their tracks.

Mordred:Why, Master we were going to kill this waste of Space-said while pointing at Issei with Clarent Blood Arthur.

Mordred Alter:Yeah what she said-said while crushing Issei's left hand.

Y/N:I'll give something your mother, and all of the female servants except for Enkidu she's Gilgamesh ARCHER lover,Jack,Abigail,Mara,Elisabeth, and all of the CHILD servants felt

Elisabeth:But I'm not a child.

Y/N:All of the CHILD as in shota or loli won't receive the Gold's biggest blessing.

Tiamat:What about us?-said looking at Y/N along with the other ADULT female servants that were summoned.

Y/N:You'll receive yours when the time comes.

Grayfia:What is your wish?

Y/N:My wish... no my DEMAND is that Rias stops having shared ownership of Kuoh with Sona up until she shows her worth as a protector.

Rias:Name ONE fault in my job.

Y/N:The Fallen Angels,Issei,Asia,you DEMANDED me to handle 3 of my Legions,you TRIED to have sex with me which you aren't even worthy of the smallest praise from me let alone the thought of even having to recognize your existence is damaging to my mental health. Do I need to name the rest of your Peerage while I'm at it.


Y/N:Excellent now my second DEMAND is that my arranged marriage with Sona is broken forever.

The devils where in shock the fact that Sona was going to marry this MONSTER of all people, but where glad because with him she could produce child as strong if not stronger than Sirzechs himself.

Sona:But why?

Y/N:Look at them-said gesturing to Eleonore,Artoria,Souji Okita(Alter),Mordred,Artoria(Alter),Artoria Lancer,Artoria Lancer(Alter),Tiamat,Altera,BB,Jeanne d'arc,Jeanne d'arc(Alter),Merlin(Proto),Kama,Quetzalcoatl,Demon King Nobunaga,Scathach,Ereshkigal,Tamamo No Mae,Francis Drake,Ishtar,Atalanta,Atalanta(Alter),Mysterious Heroine X,Ryuogi Shiki,Kiyohime and Gudako all of which had their faces darkened while having their left eyes shining in red while in menacing postures.

Y/N:In order for someone to qualify as a Harem candidate for me, they would need to survive 5 minutes inside Eleonore's Holy Relic, while being assailed with each of the now Harem member's attacks,that and being used a a baseball bat by Hercules while being strengthened by ALL the kinds of Power strengthening ability's and 80 or so Command Spells.

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