Chapter 13:

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All that shit I said about being Plus Ultra... Yeah that was wrong. let's start from the beginning of the rescue:

The rescue was going great so far. We got our weird disguises and we're on our way to get Bakugou. We were all on our way to the hideout. It wasn't until later, during the fight to save Bakugou when it all went south.

Of course, none of us really fought. We just did what we could to get him. I was about to run to join Deku as he was about to jump through the air, holding Kirishima and Shoto. I was so close to join them when a villain grabbed me and pulled me away. My eyes went wide as Deku left already without realizing he left me behind.

"Let me go!" I shouted as the villain held me. I thrashed and tried to get them to let me go but before I could shout anymore, he slammed his hand on my mouth and walked towards the chaos that was happening with All Might and that villain, All for One.

"All Might, we have one of your student!" The villain shouted as he held me close to him. I tried to get from his grasp, I really did.

"Young Y/N!" All Might shouted as he saw me.

I froze when All for One turned to me. "Ah yes the one with the sonic scream quirk. This would be valuable to my collection." He began walking to me. The villain holding me threw me to him and he held me by the throat.

"Let me-" I was cut off when he squeezed.

"I will take your quirk now." He smiled as he activated his quirk. I could feel it leaving me. I tried to fight back but his strength over powered mine.

"Let her go villain!" All Might shouted as he tried getting closer.

"One more step and I'll snap her neck." He looked to All Might. All Might seemed to freeze at that.

I felt weak as he finished taking my quirk and threw me to the side. I tried to use it but nothing worked, hot tears filled my eyes. I no longer have the one thing that makes me a hero.

Before I knew it, I passed out.

Hidden Feelings ~~ Ochako Uraraka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now