Angel From Heaven

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Y/n and her angel Santana have been doing good within the few weeks

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Y/n and her angel Santana have been doing good within the few weeks. Everything in Y/n's life had settle and it was good for her. Unfortunately Santana had completed her job until next time.

Y/n had tucked her siblings to bed as she laid down on her own bed smiling

"Hello miss Y/l/n, I have some news." Y/n sat up

"Yeah what's up angel?"

"My job is complete. I have to go back now." As each word left her mouth Y/n looked hurt

"N-no you can't leave? What do you mean leave? You've helped me so much please don't go!" By now the hurt girl was crying of pain in her heart

"I promise I'll be here for you even when you don't know it. Take care of yourself and your siblings."

"B-before you go I need to tell you something." It was finally time to confess

"What is it Y/n?"

Taking a deep breath Y/n looked at those hypnotizing brown eyes

"I am in love with you. All you've done was help me what's not to like about you, you're perfect in my eyes, your hair is soft like your hands. The smile brings the best out in people. I love everything about you. Sadly you are an angel meaning I can't be with you."

"Yes you can Y/n." Y/n widen her eyes


"I'll tell you.."


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